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Village Life Section :: Page 141

  • Skate Park improved

    The concrete ramps in the foreground is phase one of the skate park improvements. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Public Art Commission celebrated the completion of Phase One improvements to the YS Sk8 Park during Street Fair a few weeks ago. This past Sunday we had a break from the rain and the skate park was hopping just like downtown!

  • Yellow Springs Pride steps out this weekend

    2015 Yellow Springs Pride takes place this weekend with a series of events.

  • Tour straw bale, passive house with Green Drinks

    The YS Resilience Network local chapter of Green Drinks will meet on Wednesday, June 24, 6–8 p.m. for a tour of a straw bale home and a passive house.

  • T-Ball and Mud!

    T-ball continued last Friday night between the rain storms.

  • A Yellow Springs Diary

    Submit your story to the “Yellow Springs Diary.”

  • A local energy channel on YouTube

    When it comes to people fighting climate change, Yellow Springs has a lot of stories to tell.

  • The skunks are out!

    Photo via Wikipedia, by Tom Friedel, CC.

    The weather has let up. You let the dog out. A few moments later you hear a scuffle, a tell-tale yelp.

  • Kula means community + yoga

    A group of local yoga teachers — along with dance, fitness and drumming practitioners — recently formed the Kula Cooperative, a collaborative offering classes for adults and children at the Casa de Paz retreat space on Corry Street. Members are, from left, in front, Nicole Manieri with son Gabriel Manieri, Marcia Sauer and Amy Chavez; second row, Kim Krier and Jill Becker; third row, administrator Sandy Riorden, Katy Gaines and Carmen Milano. Members not pictured are Paula Hurwitz, Melissa Tinker, Larissa McHugh, Leslie Dworkin, Liz Sanchez and Linda Hamilton. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A new door has opened in the Kula Cooperative, a collaborative of local yoga and movement teachers who say they are creating a “new model” based upon shared ownership, affordable rates and community-based practice.

  • A short dance on Short Street

    A second flash mob in as many years will take to Short Street to the tune of “Shout” on Wednesday, May 27, at 1 p.m., followed by a party at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Participants of any age can learn the 2-minute choreographed routine at rehearsals at the Senior Center or online. Last year’s flashers danced to “Heard It Through the Grapevine.” (News Archive Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    In observance of National Senior Health and Fitness Day this year, and just for the fun of it, the Yellow Springs Senior Center will lead a flash mob to “Shout” in all those ways on Wednesday, May 27, at 1 p.m. on Short Street.

  • Springfield architectural tour comes to Yellow Springs

    The Summer Tour Series gets under way this weekend in Springfield and finishes in August with an architectural investigation of Antioch College.

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