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Village Life Section :: Page 143

  • Calling computer coders and wannabees

    Yellow Springs Code Academy for young computer programmers opens with meet and greet this weekend.

  • Group addresses race issues

    Are people of color targeted by police here? Are African-American students in school punished worse than their white counterparts? Are racial minorities discriminated against in downtown stores? Is local black history being lost?

  • Scout holds BSA to its own core values

    After taking 80-mile bike trips and camping in 14-degree-below-zero weather, local Eagle Scout Lake Miller is turning to his next activity with the Boy Scouts — ending discrimination in the nationwide youth organization. This week Miller launched a local chapter of Scouts for Equality, a national group pressuring the Boy Scouts to allow gay scout […]

  • Correct dates for Mixed Mamas

    The March 26 News printed incorrect dates for the upcoming performance and poetry workshop of the Mixed Mamas.

  • Free healing drum workshop for women

    A free workshop exploring percussion, song, and circle as a healing force for self and community will be offered this weekend.

  • Village Council — Yellow Springs backs marriage equality

    At their March 16 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a resolution supporting marriage equality, making the Village the third municipality in Ohio to endorse same-sex marriage.

  • Say it ain’t snow!

    Springtime beauties at Mills Lawn School were blanketed by unexpected snow. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    On March 23, weather over Yellow Springs gave one final frigid kick.

  • Springs bring busy bees

    The buzz is that spring’s finally here.

  • Glen hosts pancake breakfast and hikes this weekend

    The Glen will hold several community events this weekend, including the annual pancake breakfast and several spring hikes.

  • Riders welcome on the public bus

    Local resident Gene Lohman is one of about 65 Yellow Springs residents who ride the public bus that comes through the village about every 45 minutes during the weekdays. Anyone interested in a bus route tutorial and free trial ride is invited to sign up now for an event scheduled the week of April 13. The rides are sponsored by the local Climate Change group. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Village resident Gene Lohman loves the “flex” bus — Greene County’s public transit system. When he wants to get anywhere — from downtown to Xenia or Beavercreek — he simply puts himself at a place along the bus route and hails a ride.

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