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Village Life Section :: Page 145

  • Kwanzaa marks African heritage in Yellow Springs

    The annual village Kwanzaa celebration is being revived this year after a two-year hiatus. The event takes place Saturday, Dec. 27, from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Bryan Center. Shown above are Gordon Champman, left, Malaya Booth, bottom right, and John Booth, behind, at a past event. (Submitted photo)

    Basim Blunt wanted to make sure that the Kwanzaa celebration that the African American Cross-Cultural Works has sponsored in the village for nearly 10 years continues.

  • On the next day of Christmas, nature gave to us, 268 Carolina Chickadees

    The 2014 Christmas Bird Count yielded about 57 species and nearly 5,000 birds in the 15-mile count circle around Yellow Springs.

  • Food pantry seeks holiday donations

    Demand at the Yellow Springs Food Pantry always goes up during the holidays, and donations are welcome.

  • Ash trees felled in John Bryan State Park

    The emerald ash borer, an invasive species native to Asia, was discovered in North America in 2002, and has been infecting Ohio trees since as early as 2003. (Photo:

    The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, or ODNR, began removal of a number of ash trees impacted by the invasive emerald ash borer, or EAB, from John Bryan State Park yesterday, Dec. 8.

  • A day of disability awareness at AUM

    Yellow Springs resident Debra Williamson, here with her son Alex Oliver, is organizing a conference on the issues facing those with mental and physical disabilities. “Valuing Diversity: A Day of Disability Awareness and Education” is Friday, Dec. 5, at Antioch University Midwest. (Submitted photo)

    Antioch University Midwest will host an all-day conference on disability on Friday, Dec. 5, aimed at raising awareness about the issues facing those with physical and mental disabilities.

  • Community Thanksgiving today

    The annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner takes place today at 2 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Scientist finds new ash borer host

    Wright State University Biology Professor Dr. Don Cipollini pointed out his groundbreaking discovery that the white fringe tree can be a host for the emerald ash borer. Cipollini was the first to publish research and convince the U.S. EPA to confirm the white fringe tree as the only other known host for the invasive beetle. Trees planted along the bike path and elsewhere in the village were instrumental to his discovery. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A local white fringe tree planted along the bike path is now famous as the second documented host of an invasive beetle that was thought to only prey upon ash trees.

  • Holiday in the Village, Yellow Springs 2014

    Read the online edition of the annual Holiday in the Village guide.

  • Rise against the green Glen invaders

    If weeding the flower garden out back sounds bad, imagine weeding a forest. Then imagine that forest encircled by an army of invasive species.

  • Glen Helen welcomes volunteers to Honeysuckle Daze

    Among its various efforts to remove invasive species this year, the Glen invites volunteers to join its annual Honeysuckle Daze on Saturday, Nov. 15.

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