Village Life Section :: Page 146
Warm up with bonfires on Beggars Night
This year’s Beggars Night will be held Halloween night, Friday, Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m., with bonfires throughout the village.
Popular scientist Michio Kaku talks about possibilities of the future
Michio Kaku will give the Fred R. Leventhal Endowed Lecture at Wittenberg Thursday on how Science will revolutionize the future.
Ashes to ashes
Two longtime watchers over the comings and goings of over a century and a half of Yellow Springs have been felled.
Crowds blow in for fall Street Fair
Fall Street Fair 2014: Music, food trucks, dancing, face painting, crafts, merchandise, children, strollers, wheelchairs, tent city, stellar spray painting, information, Miami Township Fire-Rescue, alpacas, jewelry, costumes, corndogs, French fries, ice cream, croquettes, bicycles, beds, acrobats, huggers, open carry demonstrators, peace demonstrators, police, beer garden, hoola hooping, red and orange trees, full-bodied fall fun. […]
Calling on dance to fight Parkinson’s
Every Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m., Jill Becker, a local dance instructor, meets with a small group of people at the Yellow Springs Senior Center to lead a dance class intended to help participants manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Pancake breakfast during Street Fair
The Senior Center will hold its first ever Street Fair Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 11 along with their annual bake sale!
The Guide to Yellow Springs, 2014-15 edition
Read the online edition of the annual Guide to Yellow Springs.
Villagers win gold at Gay Games
Delaine Adkins, Kristine Hofstra and Judy Kintner came away from the 2014 Gay Games with gold medals and something more — a sense of hope about living in Ohio, a state that has not always felt welcoming to its gay residents.
Antioch School students drop in at the News
Students from Antioch School’s Younger Group visited the Yellow Springs News office last week to learn a little bit about how a newspaper is made.
Library hosts events for kids and adults
The library will host two events tomorrow, Sept. 16, for kids and adults.
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