
Village Life Section :: Page 148

  • Glen Helen makes bid for Girl Scout camp

    The 3,200-square-foot lodge and the surrounding Girl Scout’s Camp Greene, located off of Grinnell Road, could soon belong to the Glen. The Glen Helen Association has applied for grant funding with the Clean Ohio Fund to help purchase and permanently protect the 28-acre camp with a conservation easement. (Submitted photo)

    It’s been nearly 50 years since Glen Helen has expanded its borders, but the preserve recently entered into an agreement that its leaders hope will result in the acquisition of 28 acres.

  • Opening minds for inclusive town

    A group of villagers are offering a series of events this Saturday, Dec. 7, to highlight the perspectives of people with disabilities. A documentary, Shooting Beauty, will be shown at the Little Art at 2 and 4:30 p.m., with a panel discussion on the topic of inclusion at 3:30 p.m. at the theater. A potluck dinner at the First Presbyterian Church will follow at 6 p.m. The above couple, Cathy and Dana Culkin, are two of the film’s subjects. (Submitted photo by Courtney Bent)

    When Debra Williamson and her 15-year-old son, Alex, recently put up flyers in downtown stores for an upcoming event, she was pleased that several people, saying hello, called out to Alex by name.

  • New Community Physicians doctor welcomes families

    Dr. Neha Patel joined Community Physicians of Yellow Springs last month when Dr. Paul Van Ausdal retired. Patel, who specializes in internal medicine and pediatrics, said her focus is on educating patients about their health and how they can make lifestyle changes to fight disease. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When patients leave her office, new local physician Dr. Neha Patel wants to make sure they have their hands full.

  • Books for kids, thanks to Dolly, Greene County Public Library

    Greene County Library Director Karl Colón and Youth Services Coordinator Kay Webster helped to launch the Dolly Parton Imagination Library locally last month. All children under five can sign up to receive a free book mailed to their home each month as part of the program. Some of the books being sent are in the foreground. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Every child under five in Greene County is now eligible to receive a free book in the mail once a month thanks to a partnership between country music legend Dolly Parton and the Greene County Public Library.

  • Holiday happenings in Yellow Springs

    Outside Asanda Imports on Thanksgiving weekend, Santa’s Elves performed as a crowd of adults and children gathered for the annual tree lighting. When the elves are not performing or helping Santa, they go by the names Morgan Wheeler, Emory Schweitzer, Dylan Koepp, and Layne Burner and are students at Tecumseh High School. They will perform again when Santa comes to the Glen Helen building on Saturday, Dec. 14. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    The village is gearing up for a weekend of winter wonder with several events planned in celebration of the season.

  • School Forest gives up just three trees this year

    Yellow Springs High School School Forest group held its annual Christmas tree sale over the weekend. Due to a poor growth year, just three trees were sold, but fun was had by all.

  • Harmony Rain Barrel Project

    Three wonderfully painted rain barrels from a Nevada town, who has been doing a similar project for 5 years to help raise money for low income families to enjoy children's programs at their local zoo.

    The Harmony Rain Barrel project will help fund the 2014 Human Relation Commission’s Learning/Sharing Mental Health Series. Deadline for artists to submit their ideas is quickly approaching!

  • Events focus on those with disabilities

    A series of events will take place this Saturday, Dec. 7, to increase awareness of those with mental or physical disabilities. A documentary on the topic will be shown at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Little Art Theatre.

  • Library sends free books to kids

    Greene County Library Director Karl Colón and Youth Services Coordinator Kay Webster helped to launch the Dolly Parton Imagination Library locally last month. All children under five can sign up to receive a free book mailed to their home each month as part of the program. Some of the books being sent are in the foreground. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Every child under five in Greene County is now eligible to receive a free book in the mail once a month.

  • Yellow Springs News 2013 Holiday in the Village

    Find out what’s happening around town today and this holiday season with the calendar listings in this Yellow Springs News special publication.

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