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Village Life Section :: Page 224

  • Feature photo: Table for two…hundred?!

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Get great goods, greater good locally

    Across the country last weekend, crowds of frenzied shoppers descended upon big box stores to find bargains for the holidays, standing in line overnight, pounding on doors, and then, at opening time, dashing down aisles to grab bargains.

  • Rwandans open up world for YS

    It was an ordinary night in the village. Traven was showing Tony — both Yellow Springs High School students — how to make Rice Crispy treats. Another student, Kelly, was doing homework alongside her brothers and sisters.

  • Marilyn’s story of wheel gratitude

    “This will be a love letter to the village,” said Marilyn Van Eaton, her eyes filled with tears. The recent interview had to be stopped several times while she composed herself, describing the “long row to hoe” that has defined her life for so many years.

  • Zagory gets a kick out of football

    As the argument about the value of retaining a football program at Yellow Springs High School raged on in the community forum pages of the News in recent weeks, one of the school’s graduates was steady as a rock, kicking field goals and extra points for the Stanford University football team.

  • Travelers surf cultures, couches

    “I’ve been traveling since I was a baby,” said Judith Wolert-Maldonado as she sipped her tea at The Emporium. “My mom and dad came to the U.S. from Argentina in the late ’60s. I was born in ’70 and by seven months old I was flying back to Argentina with my parents.

  • Police charge YS resident with Timothy Harris murder

    After a lengthy investigation by the Yellow Springs Police Department, the Greene County Prosecutor last week charged Phillip K. Cordell with the 2004 murder of local resident Timothy Harris.

  • YSHS ‘Midsummer’ mischief, mayhem with a ’50s flare

    If Shakespeare had lived in the 1950s, how he would have dressed, where he would have lived and the way he would have set his stage is surely just what the Yellow Springs High School thespians have dreamed up for the fall production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

  • This hot little town is Coolsville

    Is there anyone among us who does not think Yellow Springs is cool? Now Budget Travel magazine has confirmed this distinction in its September issue by naming the village one of the “10 Coolest Small Towns” in America.

  • On Halloween, Gardner puts the ‘boo’ back into books

    “She may be hard of hearing but she listens to kids,” said Sue Hawkey of her friend and colleague, Lucille Gardner. “She really hears what kids have to say.” Hawkey taught fourth grade at Mills Lawn School from 2003 up until this past spring.

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