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Village Life Section :: Page 223

  • Strangers — and friends — in the night

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Web site profiles life in village by and for young families

    “When the Village Council convenes in the small space at the Bryan Center, most Yellow Springs families are busy fixing dinner, attending after-school functions and extracurricular activities, and bathing and putting their youth to bed.”

  • Tidings of joy, babe born in stable van

    Last Thursday Jalana Lazar and her husband, Naysan McIlhargey, had not been home long when the phone rang. They had just spent the evening with long-time friends Molly Lunde and her husband, Lee Kibblewhite, Molly’s sister, Aimee Maruyama, and Molly’s childhood pal, Miranda Lloyd.

  • Youth, elders dialogue about drug dogs, trust

    According to several Yellow Springs youth, the schools and the village are not as supportive and inclusive of youth as they should be, and the youth need more of a voice in making the decisions that affect them.

  • Original music, home grown musicians in FMC benefit

    A benefit concert to raise money for Friends Music Camp scholarships will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 30, at the Friends Care Extended Living Center dining room, 150 East Herman Street in Yellow Springs.

  • 25 days of Christmas kindness

    Tenderly opening the squeezably soft and lightweight tube-shaped present wrapped in snowflake paper, Matt Ishihara’s face lit up when the contents were finally revealed.

  • Give the gift of services

    The pearly downtown lights may beckon shoppers to charming storefronts, but shopping locally for the holidays doesn’t have to mean objects wrapped in big packages. Especially for the person who already has everything, think envelopes with gift certificates for a yoga class…

  • Couples synchronize their smooches

    Years from now, as they look back on the event, residents and visitors to Yellow Springs might not remember the exact date or year, but they’ll remember the time. 3:07 p.m. At least, that’s when the official kissing began.

  • Building expenses spark Presbyterian finance woes

    The Emporium was lit up on Saturday night with the music and enthusiasm of over 100 congregants and supporters of the Yellow Springs First Presbyterian Church, who were partying at a fund-raising benefit.

  • Yellow Springs stocked with hidden holiday treasures

    It may not be self-evident that the jewelry store known as Rita Caz is selling canes, umbrellas, a collapsible telescope with 40x magnification, and eight-pound copper rings used as West African currency at the turn of the century.

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