Village Life Section :: Page 27
Yellow Springs Habitat Community and Earth Day celebration set
The annual Yellow Springs Habitat Community and Earth Day celebration will be Sunday, April 23, 1:30–4:30 p.m., at the John Bryan Community Center.
Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge to host open house
The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge will host a public open house Saturday, April 22, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.; the Lodge is located at 242 Xenia Ave.
100 native wildlife habitats in Yellow Springs
Over 100 properties throughout the village have been certified with the National Wildlife Federation, or NWF, as official native wildlife habitats. Each of these properties — 108, to be exact — have met the NWF’s criteria of providing local fauna with sources of food, water and shelter, while abiding by stringent sustainable practices.
News from the Past: April 2023
From an April 1948 issue of the News: “New strain of chestnut trees planted in Glen. The United States Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, has chosen Antioch College’s Glen Helen as a test site for a new blight-resistant strain of 78 chestnuts which it has been developing.”
A cabal of area comedians descended on the Peach’s Grill stage for a comedy show on — funnily enough — April Fool’s Day, last Saturday, April 1.
Down to Earth | Pandemic pastimes: Do they last?
“Now is the time to get on the move to find your seeds for this year’s planting season. But there are other means of getting your seeds. Watch for local seed and plant swaps and sales.”
The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Welcome to orientation
“How do I heat the house, maintain stability in the Yellow Springs house and teach four classes in the spring? It’s not all me of course. It’s us.”
The Patterdale Hall Diaries | How it all began
“When we bought this place, we bought more than 1.8 acres of woodland and vegetable beds — we discovered a place that had been loved. Really, really loved. You cannot ignore that. It resonates. It thrums.”
Donate to relocation fund for East Palestine family
Following a Feb. 3 freight train derailment that was carrying hazardous materials, and a resulting chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, village resident Jenny Johnson established a fundraiser to help relocate a family who lived a quarter mile away from the wreckage.
Bread and Roses
Occurring each year on March 8, International Women’s Day is a global celebration of women, underscoring women’s rights and calling attention to issues affecting women all over the world, including equality and reproductive rights.
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