Village Life Section :: Page 51
Tin Can Economy — A space in the school for the swifts
Walk over to the Union School House on a clear late summer evening and you’ll see them. Swooping and darting through the dusk, conducting aerial dramas against the backdrop of a setting sun: chimney swifts. Hundreds of them.
Taekwondo expert to teach self-defense class
Master Christina Bayley, owner of Total Taekwondo Fitness, is hosting a self-defense class in Yellow Springs on Aug. 21 for ages 13 and up. Students will learn defense tactics and the best time to use them.
Village PO clerk documents living with ‘long COVID’
Most Americans are familiar with the most common symptoms of the illness caused by the coronavirus: fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, persistent cough, and loss of taste and/or smell. But what about when the symptoms of COVID linger, unfurling beyond two to six weeks into long months? What happens when those symptoms shift and evolve?
Perry League’s ‘Busy, busy, busy’ field
“And that’s our rain-soaked, muddy July 16 Perry League, Yellow Springs’ T-ball program for all kids 2–9 years of age, regardless of their race, color, creed, sexual orientation, ethnicity, spiritual inclination or practice, ability or disability.”
The Dharma of the Springs
To find the Middle Path and follow the Dharma of Siddharta Gautama, one need not venture far here in the Springs.
365 Project — Exploring Black ancestry at Glen Forest Cemetery
On Saturday, July 24, people slowly trickled into Glen Forest cemetery, lingering near the cannon commemorating the service of veterans during the Civil War, including Black soldiers who are buried in the cemetery.
Chamber of Commerce faces backlash over director’s posts
Just 13 days after being hired, Elizabeth Ford is no longer the executive director of the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce.
Mud-soaked fun at Perry League
“And that’s our rain-soaked, muddy July 16 Perry League, Yellow Springs’ T-ball program for all kids 2–9 years of age, regardless of their race, color, creed, sexual orientation, ethnicity, spiritual inclination or practice, ability or disability.”
COVID-19 update
COVID-19 update for the week of July 26, 2021
Plea deal reached in Clark stabbing death
A Yellow Springs native accused in the stabbing death of Leonid “Lonya” Clark has pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter as part of a plea deal with the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office.
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