Village Life Section :: Page 55
COVID-19 update— Virus developments mixed
Thirteen months into the coronavirus pandemic, a weary public is wondering what’s next. Is another wave of COVID-19 coming? Can the vaccination campaign keep it at bay? Where is the illness now spreading? When will herd immunity be reached?
Getting a handle on conflict
This month, the Village Mediation Program — which has helped individuals and organizations navigate conflict for nearly 34 years — offers villagers the opportunity to learn more about the resources it offers.
Glen Helen’s first six months
Recalling the events of the past year in which the COVID-19 global pandemic almost forced the closure of the nature preserve deeply loved by the community, Executive Director Nick Boutis laid out the picture from a year ago.
Earth Day 2021— Ecologically conscious villagers share efforts
In honor of Earth Day, April 22, Village Council vice president and Council liaison to the Environmental Commission Marianne MacQueen interviewed several villagers to learn more about what they are doing to care for the Earth and what their motivations are.
COVID-19 update— New orders clarify, simplify
The health department rescinded all the state orders put in place since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, and replaced them with a single five-page document.
Tin Can Economy— All tomorrow’s liminal spaces
If the spaces we inhabit tend to reflect our inner selves, and vice versa, then we ought to confront the ways in which we expect our surroundings to adapt to the conditions of a future rife with challenges even greater than COVID-19.
COVID-19 Update
As of Tuesday, March 30, 28.4% of the population of the state had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, including 71% of those 70 and older.
Thought for Food— Beer cheese soup
This recipe yields a prima donna of a soup, one which requires a lot of attention and encouragement.
News from the Past: Gov. DeWine’s first vaccine
This isn’t Gov. DeWine’s first brush with vaccinations. While digging through the archives, Yellow Springs News production team recently uncovered a photo of DeWine receiving his polio vaccine in 1955.
Little Thunders— This moment is profound
Today we know the future includes us, for we are the Indigenous people. We are meant to know our languages, our plants, our medicines and our traditions. We are meant to be in relationship with this land.
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