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Youth Section :: Page 10

  • Youth group finds voice in old village tradition of discourse

    It’s 3 p.m. on a Sunday, and many Yellow Springs youth are shooting hoops at the gym, playing SingStar at a friend’s, procrastinating on homework assignments or lounging at home, soaking up the week’s last hours of freedom from responsibility.

  • Hey! Let’s put on a show!

    These News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Kid flicks, red carpet at Little Art

    Lora Boarman, Laura Carlson, Elaine Chappelle, Chasilee Crawford and Stacey Wirrig have a refreshing — and infectious — approach to the typical departmental meeting. For starters, their weekly meetings take place at the Emporium or Yellow Springs Arts Council Art Space.

  • Villagers speak on drug dogs

    About 50 parents, high school students and community members came out into the cold on Thursday, Jan. 29, to attend a Yellow Springs Board of Education public meeting on the proposed use of drug-sniffing dogs at Yellow Springs High School.

  • Plucky harpists learn some string theory at Antioch School

    The children sat on a rug in a semicircle around the visiting harpist in the art/science room at The Antioch School, each hugging her or his own child-sized harp, their faces pressed close to the strings.

  • Youth, elders dialogue about drug dogs, trust

    According to several Yellow Springs youth, the schools and the village are not as supportive and inclusive of youth as they should be, and the youth need more of a voice in making the decisions that affect them.

  • Original music, home grown musicians in FMC benefit

    A benefit concert to raise money for Friends Music Camp scholarships will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 30, at the Friends Care Extended Living Center dining room, 150 East Herman Street in Yellow Springs.

  • Rwandans open up world for YS

    It was an ordinary night in the village. Traven was showing Tony — both Yellow Springs High School students — how to make Rice Crispy treats. Another student, Kelly, was doing homework alongside her brothers and sisters.

  • Zagory gets a kick out of football

    As the argument about the value of retaining a football program at Yellow Springs High School raged on in the community forum pages of the News in recent weeks, one of the school’s graduates was steady as a rock, kicking field goals and extra points for the Stanford University football team.

  • YSHS ‘Midsummer’ mischief, mayhem with a ’50s flare

    If Shakespeare had lived in the 1950s, how he would have dressed, where he would have lived and the way he would have set his stage is surely just what the Yellow Springs High School thespians have dreamed up for the fall production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

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