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Mills Lawn School Section :: Page 10

  • Hula whoops!

    Mills Lawn After School Care Community Enrichment students give it a whirl at a demonstration of the "circus feats" part of the Circus Feats and Healthy Treats enrichment class. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Many Mills Lawn After School Care children showed off their handiwork from special Community Enrichment courses.

  • Collins spells her way to regionals

    Mills Lawn student Freddie Collins will compete at the Dayton regional spelling bee this weekend.

  • School breaks open 2020 plan

    After a year of brainstorming, researching and discussing the wide world of education, the Yellow Springs school district presents its first draft of the Class of 2020 10-year strategic plan.

  • Class of 2020 Initiative — Executive Summary

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — Yellow Springs Exempted School District Class of 2020 Initiative Strategic Plan, 2011-2020 Draft.

  • Kids’ music pioneer performs at MLS

    Behind all of today’s fun and inspiring music for youth, is one African-American woman who set out with a conga drum in the cafés of Chicago in the 1950s and humbly started a wave of change that, six decades later, she and others are still riding.

  • Kinder Concert

    The bright t-shirts of the Mills Lawn School Kindergartners were only matched by the shining faces and sparkling songs Wednesday night. Read more and see a slide show.

  • Teachers Winks, Lemkau look back

    Yellow Springs High School teachers Shanna Winks and Phil Lemkau are retiring this year.

  • Teachers reflect on fulfilling careers

    Reveling by her youths — Becky Brunsman, who has taught music and kindergarten at Mills Lawn School for nearly 40 years, will retire at the end of the school year. She and long-time P.E. teacher Jutta Galbraith, are featured together in a story on page 9. Three other long-time teachers in the district, who are also retiring this year, will be featured in next week’s News. Brunsman is shown here with her kindergarten class, including in back from left, Jaleigh Smith, Vivian Bryan, Io Palassis, Eliza Minde-Berman, Mya Jones, Ethan Knemeyer, Jason Knemeyer and Liam Cooney; in front from left, Liam McClean, Elijah Williams, Hailey Roe, Maya Kingsley, Isabella Blackwell, Joe Freeman, Parker Kidd and Tallis Onfroy-Curley. (Photo by Lauren heaton)

    Five teachers from Mills Lawn Elementary School and Yellow Springs High School are retiring this year after more than 30 years in the district.

  • India by way of ‘Jungle Book’

    Join a singing, dancing Kaa and his coils, played by, from left, Grace Wilke, Olivia Chick, Kallyn Buckenmyer, Shekinah Williams, David Walker and Kayla Brown (obscured) this weekend as Mills Lawn School presents Bollywood Jungle Book, the all school musical, at Central State’s Robeson auditorium. Shows are Saturday, March 5, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 6, at 2 p.m. Tickets are on sale now at the school. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    As Mills Lawn students rehearse Disney’s Jungle Book for the all-school musical this year, they have begun to investigate not just the animated India, but the real life India as well.

  • VIDEO: Mills Lawn presents Bollywood Jungle Book

    The Mills Lawn all-school musical Bollywood Jungle Book premieres Saturday, March 5, at 7 p.m. and again on Sunday, at 2 p.m. Both shows take place at the Paul Robeson Performing Arts Center at Central State University.

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