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Mills Lawn School Section :: Page 12

  • Sixth Graders at Mills Lawn Applauded By Peers

    Graduating sixth graders marched through the halls of Mills Lawn on Friday to cheering and wild applause on their last day of school. Students and teachers from other grades lined the halls to celebrate the proud students on their accomplishment, with high fives exchanged along the way. A group of pleased parents snapped photos of […]

  • Seniors feted by juniors

    The Mills Lawn School gym was filled to capacity Thursday afternoon, April 29, with grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and more than a few parents for the annual Senior Tea. Click on the headline to view more photos.

  • New principals for Mills Lawn and McKinney/YSHS

    Tim Krier, left, and Matt Housh, right

    At the April 8 Board of Education meeting, Interim Superintendent Tony Armocida said he is pleased to recommend candidates Matt Housh and Tim Krier to the board for approval for the positions of principals of Mills Lawn School and YSHS/McKinney, respectively. Click the title to read more.

  • Schools vote on principals

    One is a 38-year-old musician and former skateboarder who lives in Yellow Springs, the other, a 43-year-old doctoral student who wouldn’t have considered any other district. Both will be considered by the Yellow Springs school board for the positions of principal at the board’s meeting on Thursday, April 8, at 6 p.m. at Mills Lawn.

  • Superintendent finalists visit

    Three school superintendent candidates will visit the village next week, and the community is invited to hear from them, ask questions and get involved in choosing at meetings, Mon.–Wed., April 5–7, from 5:40 to 7:15 p.m.

  • Survey highlights concerns of special needs parents

    Most parents of special needs children in the Yellow Springs school system are satisfied with their children’s program. However, the level of satisfaction drops considerably when the child moves from Mills Lawn to the middle school and high school, where a lack of communication between parents and teachers, and teachers with each other, are perceived areas of discontent.

  • MLS principal resigns post

    In executive session last Thursday, Yellow Springs Board of Education members “received and accepted” a letter of resignation from Mills Lawn principal Christine Hatton. The letter cited “personal reasons” and was effective immediately. Board members said the resignation was not expected.

  • Brains behind the scarecrows

    One day last week a group of Mills Lawn sixth graders could be found in a classroom hanging around with scarecrows. Specifically, they were creating scarecrows from found objects, an activity they found to be not only crafty and fun, but an act of service and leadership.

  • MLS drops rank to ‘effective’

    This year Mills Lawn School has dropped a tier in the state ranking system, from “excellent” to “effective,” because of lower demonstrated proficiencies on the Ohio Achievement Test. According to school report card information published online by the Ohio Department of Education, or ODE, at, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School are […]

  • New art, math is the focus at MLS

    As summer break comes to an end next week, students may not be aware that staff has been back for several weeks already preparing for an energetic return to school. With 359 students anticipated, the school is at near full capacity, Principal Christine Hatton said in an interview last week. First and fifth grades are […]

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