Village Schools Section :: Page 62
Yellow Springs High School senior organizes mock crash before prom
About 100 local high school students witnessed the emergency response to a mock crash with serious injuries this week at the school campus.
New YSHS FFA teams bring home wins
Ohio’s newest chapter of the Future Farmers of America Organization was born right here in the village at YSHS this school year.
Mills Lawn’s “Project Peace” to curtail conflict
“Project Peace” is not your typical school anti-bullying campaign.
Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Pirates’— It’s the very model of a YSHS musical
For a generation raised on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” action films, the Victorian-era comic opera “Pirates of Penzance” might seem out of date.
With operatic music, jokes that landed before the turn of the 20th century and more dance numbers than sword fights, “Pirates of Penzance” is a different kind of pirate production for these local teens. -
Theater review— Players do justice to ‘Pirates’
If you are up for a jaunty two hours gallivanting about with pirates, daughters and policemen, find a seat in the center section at Mill Lawns Auditorium for the Yellow Springs High School production Pirates of Penzance.
Folksinger Bob Lucas to play at Mills Lawn School
Folk singer Bob Lucas will perform at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, in the Mills Lawn auditorium for the Mills Lawn PTO Family Fun Night, an annual event to lighten the dreary winter months.
Making the call for calamity days
During this exceptionally cold and snowy winter, Yellow Springs School Superintendent Mario Basora has closed local schools eight times, three more than the state’s maximum of five calamity days per school year without having to make up the days.
School board— School of rock replaces ‘flex’
An overwhelming majority of Yellow Springs High School students last fall voiced disappointment with part of a new scheduling system that was implemented at the beginning of the school year.
Yellow Springs schools closed Tuesday, Feb. 18
Yellow Springs schools are closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18, because of icy conditions.
Antioch School fundraiser gala— SNL’s ‘Pat’ returns for a laugh
It was chance that brought former Saturday Night Live comedian Julia Sweeney to Yellow Springs two years ago to perform for the Antioch School’s fundraiser gala.
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