Yellow Springs High School Section :: Page 19
Bulldog Sports Round-up
The Yellow Springs High School girls soccer team lost 3–0 to Miami Valley on Saturday, Aug. 29, and then fell hard at 9–0 against Tecumseh on Monday, Aug. 31. The scores did not tell the whole story, however, and Monday’s game appeared more balanced than Saturday’s. The girls start their season off 0–2.
New dean, home room at YSHS
When students arrive for their first day back to Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School on Wednesday, Aug. 26, the first thing they will notice is a spritely young woman they don’t recognize greeting them at the door. They don’t know her yet, but by the end of the week they might feel like they’ve known Julie Speelman all their lives.
A run for awareness, support
[W]iggins, an incoming freshman at Yellow Springs High School, almost never found out that she loves to run. And she certainly never considered joining the school’s cross country team. Running was too hard, she thought, and she wasn’t good enough to join a team.
YSHS computer guru powers down
In an unseasonably warm third-floor classroom humming with rows of PC computers and hulking monitors, veteran teacher James Ventling surveyed the space, occasionally forced to peer around bundled groups of wires fed down from the ceiling. On the walls were maps of constellations, renderings of virtual landscapes and examples of graphic design.
Commencement conviviality
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YSHS 2009 valedictorian, salutatorian—Village nurtured YSHS scholars
Growing up in Yellow Springs was easy and carefree, Olivia Chen said this week. Not having to worry about others labeling her or questioning her identity, she was able to focus on things that were more important and more fun, such as playing tennis, performing theater and developing a deep sense of curiosity about the natural sciences and cultural diversity.
YSHS actors to soar in ‘Peter Pan’
Backed by a full musical ensemble of community members, the Yellow Springs High School Drama Club, Thespian Troupe #4671 and the YSHS Theatre Arts Association will present Peter Pan in the Mills Lawn auditorium April 24, 25, 26 and May 1, 2, 3.
It’s a “new spin on a very traditional tale,” director Kelly Pekar said of the production. “We’ve tried to pull out some of the deeper meanings…about how time changes people.”
Villagers speak on drug dogs
About 50 parents, high school students and community members came out into the cold on Thursday, Jan. 29, to attend a Yellow Springs Board of Education public meeting on the proposed use of drug-sniffing dogs at Yellow Springs High School.
Creativity rules in one-act plays
A police investigation’s slow-motion footage reveals muggers stealing something not usually kept in your pocket. A quaint church meeting worships a surprising deity. The “unluckiest girl in the world” is finally recognized as an unsung hero. An odd old man offers “Good Jerky” (recommending restraint in consumption) to an un-content boy who wishes to be different. “Kitten Kove,” an alliterative and improvised reality show audition, has something to do with outerspace and promises a different performance each showing.
The 18th annual production of Yellow Springs High School student-written one-act plays includes all of the above and more, representing the social commentary one might expect from a group of bright and energetic teens contemplating the world around them.
Revised school board policy supports artistic freedom
Almost a year after a censored high school student-written play sparked a community controversy, the Yellow Springs Board of Education on Jan. 8 approved a revised board policy that clarifies that audience members will be given notice and the opportunity to leave if a play is deemed potentially offensive.
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