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  • Seniors swing for health

    The Senior Center recently held the opening meeting of a new class, “Swing Your Way to Health.”

  • BLOG-Welcome, Rain

    The hazy morning felt immensely refreshing allowing both gardener and pollinator to linger.

  • VIDEO: A sneak peek at ‘Mo’s Night at the Opera’

    YSKP’s summer production, ‘Mo’s Night at the Opera,’ opens tonight at the Antioch College Amphitheatre. See a video sneak peek from a recent rehearsal.

  • Recent Windstorm Clean-up

    Due to the high volume of tree damage caused by the recent windstorms, the Village Public Works crew will assist in the clean-up of private property by collecting brush and limbs that have been cut into 48-inch pieces and placed at the curb. PLEASE assist in expediting the clean-up process by placing ONLY the debris […]

  • Village wins grant to enhance safety for kids


    The Village of Yellow Springs was recently awarded more than $300,000 in federal money in a Safe Routes to School grant that aims to make walking or biking to school safer for kids.

  • A ‘Marriage’ of Mozart and Marx

    This year’s Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse show mashes up a Mozart opera with a Marx brother film. Mo’s Night at the Opera runs from Thursday, July 12, to Sunday, July 15, and from July 19–22 at the Antioch College Amphitheatre, 759 Corry St., starting at 7:30 p.m. Some cast members are, clockwise from bottom front: Kevon Matthews, Taylor Felder, McKenzie Byers, London Neal, Tahlia Potter, Sumayah Chappelle and Samantha Woolley. (Submitted Photo by John Fleming)

    One might ask what theater company would have the audacity to mix together an 18th century opera, a Marx Brother’s film, Art Speak from the walls of the Chicago Art Institute, and Justin Bieber’s Twitter feed.

  • Willa Dallas memorial

    The memorial program for Willa Dallas, originally planned for September, has been changed to Sunday, Oct. 21.

  • Streetscape design clarified

    The Xenia Ave. streetscape plan, presented at Council on Monday, shows the locations of new street trees, street lights, parking spaces and bicycle racks. The drawing was completed by Yellow Springs Design, LLC.

    Downtown will get a makeover this summer — and it’s not just the sidewalks.

  • Vaudrey Tipton, Jr.

    Vaudrey Tipton

    Vaudrey L. Tipton Jr. died on July 3 in his Yellow Springs home. He was 91.

  • Officer chooses retirement

    Sergeant Tom Jones

    Yellow Springs Police Sergeant Tom Jones retired from the force last week, several days before an internal hearing focused on his conduct was scheduled to take place.

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