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  • BLOG — Signs of Life

    (photos by Suzanne Ehalt)

    The nooks and crannies throughout the Village that often get overlooked. Today’s blog showcases the signs people have made to help them throughout their day, whether it be a simple request to use the other door or to make someone else smile.

  • Cirque Carnival brings the bizarre to Dayton Street

    Clowns and families alike swarmed Dayton Street for face painting, henna tattoos, food, music, acrobatics, fire dance, hula hooping and more.

  • BLOG-Pancakes, wait, no… Quiche!

    It’s a wonderful event when family makes the long journey to visit… even more fortunate when a spontaneous adventure in cooking breakfast for them comes to happy fulfillment.

  • Board Of Education

    Meeting Canceled


    Monday, July 30th

  • Smoke Testing Rescheduled

    The Village of Yellow Springs is conducting a smoke test of its sanitary sewer system.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

  • Local choir conductor golden at World Choir Games

    Cincinnati women’s choir Muse will perform at South Gym, Antioch College at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 3. The concert is a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry. Muse’s founding director, local resident Catherine Roma, organized the concert in collaboration with Antioch College to promote international women’s month. (Submitted photo)

    Three choirs conducted by villager Cathy Roma swept gold at last week’s World Choir Games.

  • T-ball’s festival of love and play

    “I enjoyed your article,” Elijah Yelton, one of the most fantastic four year olds in the whole world, says. “You what?” I ask, stunned, not believing my ears. The boy is only four. “I enjoyed your article,” he repeats, telling me his grandfather, Charlie Bunton, read it to him. “I am sorry we were late,” […]

  • Delores Lamont

    Delores Leininger Lamont died peacefully on Sunday, July 15, at Hospice of Dayton after a long fight with cancer. She is survived by her husband Gary, and her three children, Michael, Jonathan and Heather. Visitation will be Friday, July 20, 5–8 p.m. at Jackson Lytle and Lewis Funeral Home in Yellow Springs. Her funeral mass […]

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