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  • Talk trumps t-ball in the heat

    It’s hot, hot, hot, 100 degrees at t-ball time. And still a couple dozen children and their remarkable parents and grandparents and families show up to play!

  • Commune with nature without harming it, or yourself

    A special hike along the Inman Trail will follow a more than 50-year-old scripted guide written by former Glen Helen Director Ken Hunt on Saturday.

    The Glen will host a Leave No Trace wilderness training day at the end of the month. Registration deadline is this Sunday.

  • VIDEO: Village Fam Summer Jam

    A faithful crowd soaked up the tunes at the first Summer Jam, a two-day concert at the Antioch Amphitheatre organized by Yellow Springs hip hop group Village Fam. See photos and a video of highlights.

  • Smoke testing begins in village

    The Village of Yellow Springs will be implementing smoke testing of the sewer collection system beginning in late July. Smoke testing is used to test lines for leaks and will be done on a line-by-line, street-by-street basis. It will occur during the day and will be completed in about a week. Testing will take a […]

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, July 16, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

  • BLOG — Numbers with Personality, part 2

    There are so many great address numbers, I just had to do a part 2!

  • BLOG-Turning Corners

    The greater part of extreme happiness is relief.

  • Marching to the beat of a patriotic drum

    July 4th was a scorcher, but it didn’t keep the townsfolk from celebrating the nation’s heritage.

  • Fireworks on the Fourth

    Click here for more photos from the July 4 fireworks display.

  • No tomatoes in baseball

    At 4 p.m. it’s sunny, hot and humid. 98 degrees. Then the skies darken.

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