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  • Yellow Springs Consumer Confidence Report ready

    The Village of Yellow Springs recently completed its Consumer Confidence Report and mailed the report to customers receiving utility bills.

  • Local track stars advance in junior olympics tourney

    Several Yellow Springs track stars qualified for regionals last week in the Junior Olympics.

  • BLOG-A Certain Independence

    An invisible leash keeps my children close but it’s getting longer.

  • New store will focus on 50’s furniture

    A new store, Atomic Fox, has opened in the Kings Yard space formerly occupied by the survival store. The store features mid-20th century furniture and household items.

  • Jack Bittner

    Jack Bittner of Yellow Springs passed away Friday, June 28, at The Hospice of Dayton.

  • Pool re-opens, controversy goes on

    Village Council will decide at its July 1 meeting when to remove the fence around the grassy area where herbicide was over-applied.

  • Another Perry League lovefest

    We got access to the Village’s riding law mower. And, now get this — this is the kind of phenomenal and fantastic thing that happens at t-ball all the time — after spending several hours getting that old relic of a mower to work, Matt spent a couple more hours grating that cement-like ball diamond.

  • Frank Thomas Snively

    Frank Thomas Snively, formerly of Yellow Springs, died at his home in Buena Vista, Colo. on June 21.

  • YSSC to pick a new director

    When one of two final applicants for the directorship of the Yellow Springs Senior Center is named in the next several weeks, she will be at the helm of a vital organization that is growing beyond its original scope.

  • Dewey memorial held

    A memorial for longtime villager Rae Dewey will be held Thursday, July 4, at 2 p.m. in the Glen Helen Building.

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