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  • Taking a stand

    About 120 members of the Antioch College and village community joined a Hands Up Walk Out on Monday to commemorate the funeral of Michael Brown, who was killed by police in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9.

    About 120 members of the Antioch College and village community joined a Hands Up Walk Out on Monday to commemorate the funeral of Michael Brown, who was killed by police in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9.

  • Eugene Philip Diehl

    Eugene Philip Diehl was born in Xenia on Oct. 9, 1925, to Anna Funderburg Diehl and Philip Diehl and died on Sunday, Aug. 24, just shy of his 89th birthday. Growing up in Yellow Springs, Gene worked on his parents’ farms and stabled several horses at the one just outside the village on Route 343. […]

  • Psychologist Gary Klein— Fascinated by good decisions

    Local cognitive psychologist Gary Klein is an author, researcher and entrepreneur who has spent 35 years here studying how people make decisions, become experts and experience insights. Klein, here in his office at his Wright Street home, had his latest book, “Seeing What Others Don’t: The Remarkable Way We Gain Insights,” published last year. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    “I just knew what to do.”
    That’s the response many people give after making a quick decision in a stressful situation. But what does it mean? How do we really make decisions? And how can we make better ones?

  • New streetscape to proceed

    Village government will soon move ahead to complete the streetscape changes on the east side of Xenia Avenue, from Dino’s Cappuccinos on the north end to Glen Street in the south, according to Village Manager Patti Bates at the Aug. 18 Council meeting.

  • Your Village Needs You


  • Children’s Center head let go

    Marlin Newell’s last day as director of the Children’s Center is Aug. 31. (News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    A teacher at the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center said this week that YSCC Director Marlin Newell was fired by the board of trustees on Monday, Aug. 18. Newell had been on vacation, teacher EJ Waskiewicz said, when two board members asked her to sign a termination letter. Newell asked that Waskiewicz act as a witness to the event.

  • Mindfully Well Center opening

    The Mindfully Well Center is a collective of practitioners, each devoted to their healing art. The center will celebrate its grand opening with an open house Mon., Sept. 1, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. at 1525 Xenia Ave.

  • Miami Township Fire-Rescue calls for 9/11 memorial climbers

    Fire fighters and civilians alike will join in Yellow Springs’ first annual 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Antioch College on Sept. 27. Participants are encouraged to register early for the fundraising event.

  • BLOG-B is for Brave

    My second grader isn’t the only one heading back to school. I am too.

  • Speaking Suns releases first EP

    Local indie rock outfit Speaking Suns’ first full-length album, Vanishing Country, is a reflection on the changing landscape of rural Ohio. Watch a video of track “Symmetry” after the jump.

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