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  • Village schools open doors on Friday

    New to Mills Lawn this year are fourth-grade teacher Cheryl Devine, left, and fifth and sixth grade special education teacher Renée Hatert. The two joined other district teachers this week for several days of professional development at AU Midwest before school starts Friday. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs schools open their doors for students tomorrow, Aug. 22.

  • Village of Yellow Springs Seeks Utility Service Worker

    The Village of Yellow Springs seeks a full-time Utility Service Worker. Primary responsibilities will include performing a variety of semi-skilled and skilled labor tasks in maintaining public streets, storm, sanitary, parks and Village properties; operate light to heavy equipment in performing assigned duties. Applicants should have training and/or experience that evidences basic knowledge of general […]

  • Groundbreaking this Friday— Village/Home, Inc. project begins

    Caleab and Erica Wyant, here with their daughter, Rudy, will break ground on their new affordable home on Cemetery Street on Friday, Aug. 15 at 3:30 p.m. Theirs is the first of four Home, Inc. houses slated for the municipally-owned property as part of the Village’s first affordable housing project. Erica Wyant’s sons Ziven and Calum (not pictured) will also live in the three-bedroom home. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A cozy cabin on Cemetery Street nestled near woods along a creek.
    To Erica and Caleab Wyant, their future home sounds straight out of a children’s fantasy story. But soon the local couple will realize their dream of owning a home in Yellow Springs, thanks to the Village’s first public affordable housing project.

  • Alfred V. Johnson, Jr.

    Johnson, U.S. Coast Guard, World War II, aboard the Sea Cloud.

    Alfred V. Johnson Jr. died Thursday, July 31. Beloved husband of Anna H. Johnson; devoted father of Alan Hull Johnson (Kathryn B.) and Alisa Johnson. He is also survived by two grandchildren; sister, Anna Mae Johnson; cousin, Rita Campbell; sister-in-law, Mary H. Bowers and other relatives and friends. Mr. Johnson is pictured during World War […]

  • Village owed $200,000 in past-due bills

    Village government is owed almost $200,000 in past-due utility bills and the finance director is looking for ways to capture that revenue.

  • Local welfare more than food?

    Patty McAllister, center, who has led the Yellow Springs Area Food Pantry for eight years, will step down next year, as pantry board members, including Sue Dillon and Bob Baldwin, seek to fill the gap and recruit new volunteers from the wider community. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Armed with canned soup, dried beans, boxes of pasta and soft packages of bathroom tissue, Patty McAllister has worked for the past eight years to keep area residents fed through the Yellow Springs Area Food Pantry.

  • Really digging it

    From left are Phil Tuesink of Huntington National Bank, Home, Inc. Executive Director Emily Seibel, Tom Ciresi of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati (obscured), Council member Lori Askeland, Caleab Wyant, Council member Brian Housh, Erica Wyant, Calum Wyant, Lori Kuhn of the Morgan Family Foundation (obscured) and Ziven Wyant. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    Home, Inc., broke ground on the Village’s first public affordable housing project on Cemetery Street on Friday, Aug. 15, with future homeowners the Wyant family digging in along with project partners and Village Council members.

  • Enough signatures

    The Greene County Board of Elections has verified that a sufficient number of signatures were collected to put on the November ballot a referendum on public funding of the Center for Business and Education, or CBE, according to Board of Elections Deputy Director Nancy Johannes on Tuesday.

  • Get ready for brown(er) water

    Many villagers are, unfortunately, already familiar with brown water occasionally coming out of their taps. But next week they should expect to see water that’s darker than ever.
    “This has the potential to be the worst we’ve seen in a long time,” Village Water and Wastewater Plant Superintendent Joe Bates said in an interview last week.

  • Suns rising

    Speaking Suns is, from left, David Byrne, Sam Salazar, Conor Stratton and Jacob Diebold. (photo by Megan Bachman)

    Local indie rock band Speaking Suns is gearing up for a run of local shows in support of the upcoming release of the band’s first EP, Vanishing Country. They play at Gilly’s in Dayton on Aug. 22 with the Motel Beds, at Peach’s Grill in Yellow Springs on Aug. 29 and at the Quonset Hut […]

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