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  • Board of Zoning Appeals

    Agenda for Wednesday, August 20, 2014

  • Council talks pesticides

    At their Aug. 4 meeting, Village Council members began a dialogue on how to address pest and weed control on Village property in light of the temporary moratorium on herbicide and pesticide use that Council put into place last year after an overuse of an herbicide at the Gaunt Park pool.

  • Art on Lawn features Glen painter

    photo by suzanne szempruch Longtime Yellow Springs artist Roger Smith is the featured artist at this Saturday’s Art on the Lawn, which takes place on the grounds of Mills Lawn School. Shown above is an oil painting of one of Smith’s favorite models, Glen Helen. (photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    This year’s Art on the Lawn festival ­— 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, August 9, on the grounds of Mills Lawn School — has the happy problem of trying to find enough room for all the participating art vendors and activities.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Amazing moms and dads of T-ball

    Erasmus “Raz” Thornton, Lidija Lackovich-Van Gorp, Maddy McGuire and Darija Lackovich-Van Gorp took part in some T-ball shenanigans on a recent Friday evening. Perry League T-ball ended last Friday night with an annual potluck, during which trophies were given to all participants. (photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    It says in our “Guide to Yellow Springs” entry that the Perry League is a self-supporting, all-volunteer beginners’ baseball program for all our community’s children regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, ability or disability, sexual, spiritual or religious orientation. Self-supporting? We spent $1,800 this summer on T-shirts, baseball caps, a dozen new soft dot […]

  • Hip-hop in the street this week

    Homegrown hip-hop group Village Fam is bringing its annual Summer Jam music festival downtown in a collaboration with the Yellow Springs Arts Council. The live music and art event is 2 to 10 p.m., Saturday, August 9, at the YSAC Gallery, 111 Corry St. Members of Village Fam, which performs at 9 p.m., are, from left, Anthony Carter, Aaron Willis, Issa Walker, Brad Benning-Clark and Marcus Lamont. (Submitted photo)

    Village Fam may be Yellow Springs’ first hip-hop group, but they hope not to be its last.
    The group of born-and-raised villagers, now in their 20s, didn’t have access to local hip-hop shows when they grew up.

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, August 18, 2014, 7 p.m.

  • David Adam Case

    David Adams Case, of Yellow Springs, died peacefully on Aug. 3. He was 92. David was born in Rochester, N.Y., on March 31, 1922, and lived most of his youth on Staten Island, N.Y. He learned to sail on Conesus Lake in western New York at the family summer home, and spent his teenage years […]

  • Village of Yellow Springs Seeks Assistant Village Manager

    Due before Friday, October 3, 2014

  • Request for Qualifications for Criteria Architect/Engineering Services in Defining Options for Design-Build Water Plant and Options for Water Softening Processes at Said Plant

    GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR ARCHITECTURE OR ENGINEERING SERVICES REQUIRED Introduction The Village of Yellow Springs currently operates a 1.7 MGD water treatment plant to serve the Village’s needs. Said plant is an iron removal water treatment plant with sand filters. The water source for the Village is four wells located adjacent to the plant; […]

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