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  • Books and more books

    A great display of books, old and new, at the corner of Walnut and Elm streets. (submitted photo by Kate Mooneyham)

    Still more beautiful summer weather last Saturday was good news for the annual Yellow Springs Book Fair, which was in its 34th year. The 25 booksellers who displayed their wares reported good sales, according to Kate Mooneyham of Dark Star Books, which sponsored the event. Booksellers came from Dayton, Troy and Columbus, among other locations. […]

  • Mary ‘Margie’ Check

    Mary M. “Margie” Check, 66, of Xenia and formerly of Cedarville, passed away unexpectedly on Aug. 5. Margie was the eldest of five daughters of the late John J. and Livia Check. She graduated from Cedar Cliff High School, class of ’66, and attended Central State University. In the 1960s and 1970s, Margie was an […]

  • BLOG — I yam what I yam

    "I yam what I yam."

    The month of August brings my family into new territory, as my daughter begins preschool next week.

  • Submit 10-minute plays

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company is currently accepting submissions for the fourth annual 10 Minute Play Festival. In the tradition of Center Stage, the festival will provide an opportunity for local playwrights, directors and actors to workshop and present their talents.

  • Affordable homes started on Cemetery Street

    Home, Inc., broke ground on the Village’s first public affordable housing project on Friday, Aug. 15, with future homeowners Erica and Caleab Wyant digging in.

  • Land trust to host farm succession seminar

    Over 70% of family farms don’t make it to the next generation. A local seminar on Aug. 27 aimed at area land owners hopes to curtail the trend.

  • BLOG-How to Get to C-Street

    I take the long way round preparing a contribution to Friday’s groundbreaking ceremony. Together, we celebrate the first construction phase of a new affordable home.

  • Food pantry seeks new head

    Patty McAllister, center, who has led the Yellow Springs Area Food Pantry for eight years, will step down next year, as pantry board members, including Sue Dillon and Bob Baldwin, seek to fill the gap and recruit new volunteers from the wider community. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs Area Food Pantry board members are looking for a new head for the pantry, after Patti McAllister steps down Jan. 1.

  • Brown water coming soon

    Villagers are likely to experience brown water during next week’s hydrant flushing, which begins Monday, Aug. 18.

  • Council talks pesticides

    At their Aug. 4 meeting, Village Council members began a dialogue on how to address pest and weed control on Village property in light of the temporary moratorium on herbicide and pesticide use that Council put into place last year after an overuse of an herbicide at the Gaunt Park pool.

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