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  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Monday, Dec. 21, 2015 at 6 p.m.

  • John Ray Arney

    John Ray Arney

    Patrick Condon, 1966 graduate of Yellow Spring High School and lawyer, passed away on Sept. 30, 2015.

  • Public Meetings

    2016 Calendar of the Village of Yellow Springs Council and Council’s Commissions, Committees and Boards

  • Outhoofin’ Rudolph

    Dayton musician Tumust Allison and his daughter, Angel, added to the holiday spirit last weekend in downtown Yellow Springs. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Outhoofin’ Rudolph

  • The Memories Party, a PBL project— Personal stories connect kids, seniors

    Mills Lawn second-grader Lillianna Sylvester showed her original story to Nancy Hirsch during last week’s Memories Party at the school. The party was the culmination of a project-based learning project aimed at developing empathy in youngsters by sharing memories with Yellow Springs seniors. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    It may not be obvious that Zach Underwood, age 8, and Helen Eier, age 85, have things in common, but they recently discovered they do. For instance, they both like cats. They like camping.

  • Council says ‘no’ to ACE

    After more than a year of community dialogue, Village Council voted on Monday, Dec. 7, to leave the Greene County ACE Task Force, which fights drug-related crime.

  • Seasonal song

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and the Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra joined forces to present a holiday concert of the music of Mendelssohn and Bach. Shown above are chorus members performing the classic “Magnificat” by Bach. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and Chamber Orchestra presented a holiday concert Sunday, Dec. 13.

  • McKinnney kids raise funds with “selfies with elfies”

    McKinney School kids are raising funds for an upcoming school trip to Washington, D.C.

  • ‘Marcellus Shale’ play coming to Antioch College

    During Antioch College’s winter quarter in 2016, the performance program will be host to “Marcellus Shale,” a play written by Talking Band members Paul Zimet and Ellen Maddow.

  • BLOG-Warm Up to Winter

    The weather may be waiting to kick in in-season but the Village of Yellow Springs is in full winter holiday mode.

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