Dr. Kevin McGruder, associate professor of history at Antioch College (News file photo)
The James A. McKee Association will host a community conversation on the history of African Americans in Yellow Springs this week.
Dr. Kevin McGruder, associate professor of history at Antioch College, will speak on the topic, and on the Blacks in Yellow Springs encyclopedia now being developed by The 365 Project. The discussion is at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at at Antioch University Midwest, 900 Dayton St., in room B-105.
The program is free and open to the public, and attendees are welcome to bring their lunch and join the conversation to “learn more about the many contributions African Americans have provided to our community,” according to Karen McKee, president of the local civic group.

Long time Police Chief James A. McKee, who passed away Jan. 18, 2003.
The Yellow Springs Men’s Group was organized in the fall of 1993 by retired Police Chief James A. McKee, known to many as “Chief,” according to the organization’s website. Its purpose is to carry out research and education in support of public information, education and participatory democracy.
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