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  • Ghoul school

    The annual Mills Lawn Halloween Parade was on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2019.

  • Name Change

    Case number 11814CN

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda


    Thursday, November 12, 2019 at 6 p.m.
    Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center,
    100 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387

  • ‘I want to be able to vote’— YSHS teens sound off on amendment

    Over the last several weeks, villagers of legal voting age have taken to public forums to share their opinions on a portion of a proposed amendment to the Village charter that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote on Village issues. On Nov. 5, those same adult voters will head to the polls to decide whether or not the amendment will pass.

  • Township candidates, unopposed, seek sixth full terms

    The November 2019 Miami Township election features two long-time public servants who are running unopposed for their respective offices. Margaret Silliman is seeking another four-year term as the township’s fiscal officer, and Chris Mucher is looking to return for another four-year stint as township trustee.

  • Name Change

    Case number 11813CN

  • Vernay cleanup plan— EPA listens to local concerns

    The EPA came to share the status of the environmental cleanup at Vernay Laboratories’ former rubber manufacturing plant on Dayton Street and to hear from citizens on the proposed remedy.

    The culmination of a two-decade long process, in June Vernay submitted its latest proposal to clean up contamination associated with its operations. The EPA is in the process of reviewing the plan and is interested in hearing from the public as it does, according to the site’s Technical Project Manager, Renee Wawczak, at the meeting.

  • Candidates Night Forum— Affordability, economy top issues

    There was much overlap and some areas of difference among candidates for Yellow Springs Village Council at last week’s Candidates Night Forum, hosted by the James A. McKee Association in advance of the Nov. 5 election.

    Affordability, housing, economic development and village demographics headed the list of topics discussed at the forum.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Election Results 2019

    Read the preliminary results from election night, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019.

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