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  • School district hires new treasurer, appoints new board member

    In a special meeting Tuesday morning, Nov. 22, the Yellow Springs school board approved the hiring of a new district treasurer and the appointment of a new board member.

  • Village elders reflect on the Black experience, Pt. I

    Longtime villagers Frances Smith and Geneva Brisbane reflected on their experiences with racism and segregation during the “Elders Speak” virtual event held last month. The event was sponsored by The 365 Project.

  • Extended Coverage | Planning Commission sends Oberer plans to Village Council

    At its Tuesday, Nov. 9, regular meeting, held via Zoom, Village Planning Commission approved a conditional use application submitted by Oberer Land Developers to rezone 52.6 acres in southern Yellow Springs to accommodate a 140-unit residential neighborhood.

  • Neighbors split on 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project

    An estimated 300 people crowded into the Expo Center at the Greene County Fairgrounds on Monday evening, Nov. 15, for a public hearing on the proposed 1,500-acre Kingwood Solar field project.

  • Budget deficit forecasted for Village Schools

    After finishing the last two fiscal years with revenues higher than expenditures, Yellow Springs school leaders anticipate a return to deficit spending this fiscal year (FY), which ends June 30, 2022, according to the district’s latest five-year financial forecast.

  • Flour power

    On Tuesday, Nov. 23, Village of Yellow Springs foreman Tanner Bussey dropped off a bag of flour and sugar to Susan Gartner as part of the Village’s annual distribution of the baking staples to local widows and widowers.

  • James Gerard Alexander

    James Gerard Alexander

    James Gerard Alexander, 90, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, passed in peace on Nov. 16, 2021.

  • Herbert Calvin Thomas Jr.

    Herbert Calvin Thomas Jr.

    Herbert Calvin Thomas Jr., 63, of Urbana, Ohio, died on Nov. 17, 2021, at Maria Joseph Center in Dayton, Ohio.

  • Grace Ann Thompson

    Grace Ann Thompson

    Grace Ann Thompson, 90, passed away on Nov. 13, 2021, in Springfield, Ohio.

  • 2021 Share the Joy holiday tree at the Yellow Springs Community Library

    The 2021 Share the Joy holiday tree is now up at the YS Community Library. Requests for gifts will be taken until Sunday, Dec. 5, at 5 p.m. (Photo by Reilly Dixon)

    The 2021 Share the Joy holiday tree is now up at the YS Community Library. The tree is an annual community effort for the residents of Yellow Springs and Miami Township who need help at holidays.

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