  • Beating the heat

    On a sweltering Tuesday afternoon, July 30, a small group gathered in the Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College to learn traditional African drumming techniques and rhythms with Gyamfi Gyamerah.

  • Mills Lawn Bike Bus to begin Aug. 28

    Beginning Aug. 28, the Mills Lawn Elementary Bike Bus will begin weekly rides each Wednesday.

  • Dawn Patrol Rendezvous World War I Fly-In

    The Dawn Patrol Rendezvous World War I Fly-In will take place Friday–Sunday, Sept. 13–15 at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport in neighboring Springfield.

  • Jacquelyn Porter Chilton

    Joan Champie, trailblazing musician, pilot, mother and friend, died on Aug. 13, 2024.

  • School board talks Morgan Fields

    The YS Board of Education returned to the discussion of a potential affordable housing development on land currently owned by the school district at its most recent regular meeting Thursday, Aug. 8.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education | Work Session

    Yellow Springs Board of Education | Work Session

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Emerge Springs | Addiction recovery services, housing at Antioch College

    Emerge offers addiction recovery services, housing and job training. It was founded by three area business owners who work in the skilled trades, and who themselves are in long-term recovery.

  • Creepingbear hits the mats

    A brown belt who has trained and competed throughout the country, villager Shane Creepingbear hosts a jiu-jitsu training class every Thursday, 7–8 p.m., on the top floor of the Antioch College Wellness Center.

  • Several farm auctions, opportunities ahead for Tecumseh Land Trust

    For sale are two, 20.6-acre tracts on Dayton-Yellow Springs Road — near the Snypp Road intersection, beyond Village limits — as well as two 19.9-acre tracts on West Jackson Road, just beyond Young’s Jersey Dairy in Clark County.

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