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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 36

  • Village puts Nipper on leave during investigation

    Longtime Yellow Springs Police Officer Dennis Nipper was placed on administrative leave on Dec. 22 pending the completion of an investigation.

  • Merry Christmas from the News staff

    Alyssa and Aaliyah (who wasn't to sure about the man next to her) Worley got their picture taken with Santa last Saturday at the Annual Pancake Breakfast at the United Methodist Church. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    It’s Christmas Day!

  • No charges in Jackson case

    Xenia Municipal Court Prosecutor Ron Lewis has declined to press charges against a longtime Yellow Springs High School teacher following a local police investigation into alleged misconduct with a 14-year-old female student, Police Chief Dave Hale said this week.

  • Council hears from water plant finalists

    Yellow Springs moved a step closer to constructing its new water plant last week when on Thursday, Dec. 10, Council members heard presentations from two finalist construction firms vying for the contract to build the plant.

  • Manager lists 2016 priorities for Village

    At last Monday’s Village Council meeting, Council members highly praised Manager Patti Bates after her first 18 months on the job.

  • Dayton company may move here soon

    Dayton Mailing Services, a Dayton printing company, is close to purchasing the former Antioch Publishing building at 888 Dayton Street, and plans to move its business to Yellow Springs.

  • FMC winter concert coming soon

    Friends Music Camp presents its annual fundraising winter concert at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 28 at the Foundry Theater.

  • Company may bring jobs

    A Dayton-based printing company is close to purchasing the former Creative Memories building on Dayton Street, and if the sale goes through, the move could ultimately bring about 120 jobs to the village.

  • Seasonal song

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and the Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra joined forces to present a holiday concert of the music of Mendelssohn and Bach. Shown above are chorus members performing the classic “Magnificat” by Bach. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Yellow Springs Community Chorus and Chamber Orchestra joined forces to present a holiday concert of the music of Mendelssohn and Bach.

  • Outhoofin’ Rudolph

    Dayton musician Tumust Allison and his daughter, Angel, added to the holiday spirit last weekend in downtown Yellow Springs. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Outhoofin’ Rudolph

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