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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 70

  • Remembered

    Members of the YS Odd Fellows will lead community members in placing flags on the graves of veterans and hold a Memorial Day ceremony and history talk about the cemetery's Civil War cannon this weekend. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    About 20 local men and women from the Yellow Springs Odd Fellows lodge placed American flags on the graves of veterans and Odd ­Fellows at the Glen Forest Cemetery last Friday afternoon.

  • Mosquito control takes a village

    For the first time this year, villagers are on the front lines of preventing West Nile virus in Yellow Springs. Specifically, local residents need to start looking for sources of standing water in their yards, in order to help eliminate mosquito breeding in the village.

  • Villagers asked to monitor mosquito breeding sites

    Villagers are asked to monitor their yards for potential sites for mosquitoes to breed, and remove any standing water they find.

  • Scouts’ quest for kindness

    Those who think kids don’t get bullied in Yellow Springs should think again, according to members of the local Girl Scout Troop 30349. And the scouts are especially concerned about how girls hurt each other.

  • Local Girl Scouts sponsor film on girl bullying

    The eight members of local Girl Scout Troop 30349 have organized a community showing of Finding Kind, a documentary about girls bullying girls. The film will be shown at 7 p.m. Friday, May 24, at the Bryan Center gym.

  • Jennifer Rosengarten exhibits at DVAC— Paintings blooming with color and life

    Jennifer Rosengarten sits in front of her many large, colorful oil paintings which are on display at the Dayton Visual Arts Center. (photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Jennifer Rosengarten can’t remember a time when she didn’t make art. She can’t remember a time when she didn’t love color. And her passion for making art rich with color is currently on display at the Dayton Visual Arts Center.

  • Phyllis Jackson to be honored

    For years, Phyllis Lawson Jackson has been the “go-to” person for local history. The appeal of a historical perspective, she believes, is that even as history teaches us about the past, it also helps illuminate the present.

  • Police investigate recent burglary

    Yellow Springs police have been investigating a burglary that took place sometime during the afternoon on Monday at a Marshall Street residence, according to Police Chief Anthony Pettiford today,

  • Zoning code topic of special Council meeting

    Village Council will gather at a special meeting this Monday, April 29, at 7 p.m. at Council chambers to consider the recently updated zoning code, which has been in front of Planning Commission for the past several months.

  • Digging deep into a garden’s gifts

    A longtime former villager who still owns a house in town and plans to retire here, Carol Siyahi Hicks gives Yellow Springs credit for many things. For instance, it was here she found the friends who helped her discover her passion for the natural world, along with providing her company on trips into the wild.

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