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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 34

  • Shopping at Tom’s and forgot your reusable bag? These kids have got you covered.

    Lily Rainey, 12, left, and Carina Basora, 11, stand next to the baggerie they installed at Tom’s Market, which allows patrons to borrow and return canvas bags. The baggerie was built as part of their team’s participation in the First Lego League competition, and reflects the competition’s theme of dealing with trash. The team was inspired to reduce the use of plastic grocery bags, which they found through research to be immensely harmful to the earth, its animals and its people. (submitted Photo)

    The “Super Snack Snatchers” lego team from Mills Lawn School has installed a baggerie at the entrance to Tom’s Market, so that shoppers can borrow a reusable bag for their groceries.

  • Village Council Jan. 19 meeting— Solar array closer to reality

    At their Jan. 19 meeting, Village Council members moved closer to adding solar power to the Village electric portfolio by unanimously approving a resolution that authorizes Village Manager Patti Bates and the Energy Board to review and recommend a 1-megawatt solar array proposal for an array to be located on the Glass Farm.

  • McGruder honored at Antioch College

    Antioch College Assistant Professor of History Kevin McGruder was recently honored with the first annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award. (Submitted Photo)

    Assistant Professor Kevin McGruder was awarded the first Antioch College Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award recently.

  • Home Inc. Cemetery Street home open house today

    New first-time homebuyer Julie McCowan, holding her grandson, Dylann, in front of the Cemetery Street home she recently purchased through Home, Inc. for her four-person family (plus frequent visits from “little ones” like Dylann, she said). Villagers wishing to celebrate with McCowan and her family and learn more about Home, Inc.’s Cemetery Street development are invited to an open house at 138 Cemetery St. on Friday, Jan. 29, from 5 to 7 p.m. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    An open house will take place tonight, Jan. 29, from 5 to 7 p.m., for the second home completed in a Home, Inc./Village collaboration to increase affordable housing in the village.

  • From ‘useless’ to ‘use again’

    The Zero Waste group of Yellow Springs presents a free screening of the documentary “Reuse! Because You Can’t Recycle the Planet” followed by a panel discussion this Saturday, Jan. 23, at 2 p.m. in room 219 at the Antioch College Science Building. Shown above are, from left, event organizer Liz Mersky, local artist Anna Burke and organizer Vickie Hennessy, with Burke holding a sculpture she created from discarded plastic spoons. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    What grabbed Liz Mersky’s attention were the images of an albatross mistaking plastic for food and dolphins struggling while tangled up in the ever growing floating mass of plastic waste that’s been dumped in the oceans.

  • The art of growing up in village

    An exhibit of “YS in Color,” the work of YSHS students in the advanced art and AP art classes, opens with a reception at 6 p.m. this Friday, Jan. 22, at Village Artisans. Shown above are, top row left to right: Anna Mullin, Meredith Rowe, Callie Smith, Nicklas Wright, Kyra Siemer, Elesha Harney; Middle: Elisabeth Simon (teacher). Bottom row left to right: Olivia Chick, Holly Weir, Madeline Nielsen. Not pictured are artists Julian Roberts and Gracie Wilke. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    While many older teens feel compelled mainly by the prospect of leaving town, a group of Yellow Springs High School artists are working together to express what matters most to them about having grown up in Yellow Springs.

  • Free film focuses on reuse as strategy for reducing waste

    The Zero Waste group of Yellow Springs presents a free screening of the documentary “Reuse! Because You Can’t Recycle the Planet” followed by a panel discussion this Saturday, Jan. 23, at 2 p.m. in room 219 at the Antioch College Science Building. Shown above are, from left, event organizer Liz Mersky, local artist Anna Burke and organizer Vickie Hennessy, with Burke holding a sculpture she created from discarded plastic spoons. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Zero Waste Yellow Springs is sponsoring a free screening of the documentary, “REUSE! Because You Can’t Recycle the Planet” this Saturday, Jan. 22, at 2 p.m. at the Antioch College Science building.

  • Council seeks input on goals for 2016

    In Village Council’s two upcoming meetings, Council members will identify their top goals for 2016. To do this, they will first consider which 2015 goals they want to move forward.

  • Nipper guilty of reduced charge

    Jane Nipper pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of disorderly conduct on Thursday, Jan. 7 at Xenia Municipal Court. Judge Michael Murry ordered Nipper to pay a fine of $150.

  • Faith Patterson

    Village icon and longtime community activist Faith Patterson, 85, died on Sunday, Jan. 17.

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