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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 33

  • Spike Lee film set to spark conversations

    “Do the Right Thing,” an acclaimed 1989 film by director Spike Lee (center in Dodgers jersey), will be shown this Saturday, Feb. 20, at 11 a.m. at the Little Art Theatre. The film, which is free and open to the public, is part of the Black History Month film series sponsored by the 365 Group and Yellow Springs Young People of Color. (Still from Do the Right Thing)

    This Saturday, villagers have an opportunity to both see the now-iconic film, “Do the Right Thing,” which mirrors today’s racial tensions, and discuss it, at a free screening at 11 a.m. at the Little Art Theatre.

  • Chamber Music presents winds group

    The Imani Winds will perform this Sunday, Feb. 21, at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • Mills Lawn School third-graders learn to be citizens

    Members of Ms. Peg Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn School recently spent two months on a project-based learning, or PBL, project focused on local government and citizenship. Shown above are, front row from left, Morris Wyatt, Sam Gilley, Claire Lewis, Cole Oberg, Katie Quigley, and Sophie Tatman. In the middle, Lacey Longshaw, Tegan Hays, Ayla Arnold, Brady Clark, Tiger Collins and Miles Gilchrist. And in the back row, Liliana Herzog, Kenji Housh, Quinn Creighton, Kanon Flatt, Elyse Lytle, Avry Bell-Arment and Ms. Morgan. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Students in Ms. Morgan’s third-grade class at Mills Lawn came upon several surprises as they studied local government during the past two months.

  • Improv workshop at Antioch College open to village

    A workshop on theater improvisation and civic engagement will take place this Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Antioch College Foundry Theater from 1 to 4 p.m., led by members of The Talking Band theater company of New York City. The event is part of a monthlong project that includes the March presentation of the play “Marcellus Shale,” about the effects of fracking on a community. Shown here are cast members, from left to right, front row: Ida Lease Cummings, Parker Phelan; center row: Selena Wilkinson, Cole Gentry, John Fleming; Third row: Sean Allen; Back row: Hannah Priscilla Craig, Michael Casselli, Louise Smith. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Yellow Springers have an opportunity to learn about how theater improvisation can enhance civic engagement in a free workshop this Saturday at Antioch College.

  • BCI’s fact finding in misconduct charges is finished

    The fact-finding investigation by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, or BCI, into alleged misconduct by a longtime Yellow Springs police officer has ended and the results turned over to a prosecutor.

  • 365 Group to show iconic Spike Lee film

    The Spike Lee film “Do the Right Thing” will be shown this Saturday, Feb. 20, at 11 a.m. at the Little Art Theater, in honor of Black History Month.

  • NYC theater artists offer workshop on improv, civic engagement

    The founders of the New York City avant garde theater Talking Band will present a workshop on improvisation and civic dialogue this Saturday, Feb. 13, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Antioch College Foundry Theater. The event is free to interested community members.

  • Electric rate hikes likely coming soon

    Villagers are likely to see a hike in their electric bill within a few months, if Council approves a recommendation from its electric consultant to raise rates.

  • Mayor’s court used less in village

    The Yellow Springs Mayor’s Court began in the early 1950s, when the Village Charter was written.

  • Beer bottle cap creations at brewery

    The beer bottle cap art of John Taylor-Lehman is on display at the Yellow Springs Brewery, with an opening reception this Friday, Feb. 12, from 6 to 8 p.m.

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