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Articles by Jimmy Chesire :: Page 6

  • Jimmy’s back, so is t-ball

    Spring is here, summer is right around the corner, and that means it’s time once again for the Perry League, Yellow Springs’ all volunteer, 10-week t-ball program for girls and boys, 2–9 years of age.

  • Another Perry League lovefest

    We got access to the Village’s riding law mower. And, now get this — this is the kind of phenomenal and fantastic thing that happens at t-ball all the time — after spending several hours getting that old relic of a mower to work, Matt spent a couple more hours grating that cement-like ball diamond.

  • Kindness and capers at t-ball

    “Okay, everyone on your hands and knees!” I say. “I know what we’re going to do!” Caroline Tucker sings out enthusiastically. “What?” I ask. “Everyone crawl around two other human beings!” Caroline says.

  • What an opening night at t-ball!

    Oh, what a night! Lily Rainey, 9, Kian Rainey, 4, and Veda Rainey, 2, Amy Boblitt and Brian Rainey’s kids, are there when I show up, ready and raring to go.

  • T-ball finale­— Opening our hearts to children

    Kian Rainey, age 3, had a great time at Gaunt Park Friday night. Most of the time he ran around with several baseballs in his hands. Above, Rainey’s successful turn at bat led to a mad scramble towards home plate by at least three decidedly shortstops. (photo by Suzanne Ehalt)

    It was a splendid night. I was in an end-of-season, love-fest state of euphoria.

  • T-ball winds down this Friday

    At the beginning of the evening, Edwin Harrah, 2, is running with us from right field, where we do our warm-up exercises, back onto the diamond. Well, not running exactly. Edwin’s 2. He’s a toddler. And toddlers toddle.

  • T-ball’s festival of love and play

    “I enjoyed your article,” Elijah Yelton, one of the most fantastic four year olds in the whole world, says. “You what?” I ask, stunned, not believing my ears. The boy is only four. “I enjoyed your article,” he repeats, telling me his grandfather, Charlie Bunton, read it to him. “I am sorry we were late,” […]

  • Talk trumps t-ball in the heat

    It’s hot, hot, hot, 100 degrees at t-ball time. And still a couple dozen children and their remarkable parents and grandparents and families show up to play!

  • No tomatoes in baseball

    At 4 p.m. it’s sunny, hot and humid. 98 degrees. Then the skies darken.

  • The continuing delight of t-ball

    The colorful mosaic that is the Perry League continues to startle, astound and delight.

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