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Articles by Lauren Shows :: Page 51

  • Villagers talk race, life in Yellow Springs

    Last week, the YS News sat down at Antioch College’s Coretta Scott King Center with three local families and recorded their discussion about what life is like in the village for people of color.

  • BLOG — Babycakes

    I can’t say precisely what it was in my life that caused me to have a nearly insatiable love for tiny things, but I do know that it began early.

  • Year in Review 2014: Art in the Village

    YIR: Arts

  • BLOG — Legs are required

    Mermaids will always be cool. This is clear to me especially, as my four-year-old, Lucy, told me that a fish lady doll was her number one Yuletide wish this year.

  • Glen Helen license plate is back

    Though the much-loved Glen Helen plate was unavailable last year, it returned in October. Glen Helen Director Nick Boutis talks a bit about the plate and how it helps.

  • BLOG — Five Years at the Snooze

    This has opened so many (weird) doors for me.

    Last month marked my fifth anniversary of working at the News. Since then, I’ve been thinking about writing a blog to commemorate this particular milestone.

  • Warm up with bonfires on Beggars Night

    This year’s Beggars Night will be held Halloween night, Friday, Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m., with bonfires throughout the village.

  • BLOG — Single rider

    It was the one you can actually see in this picture.

    There is something a little strange about a grown person leaving her loving family behind for hours at a time to ride roller coasters, but everyone has her thing, and this is mine.

  • Antioch School students drop in at the News

    Antioch School Younger Group students meet the YS News staff and learn about newspaper production. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Students from Antioch School’s Younger Group visited the Yellow Springs News office last week to learn a little bit about how a newspaper is made.

  • YS Community Foundation celebrates local education

    In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, with the cooperation of WYSO, produced a series of five sound and slide pieces detailing some of its most important work in the village. The final piece in the series focuses on the foundation’s involvement with the Antioch College Miller Fellowship program and the implementation of project-based learning in village public schools

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