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Articles About Agraria :: Page 3

  • Good green, bad green

    Not all green is “green.” That’s the message from local land managers who are combating a host of non-native invasive plant species that menace locally preserved and reclaimed lands. 

  • Growing local—Coming home to their cows

    Scott and Jillian Marshall are in their seventh year of raising beef cattle at their West Jackson Road farm a few miles northeast of the village. The local farmers — who still have their day jobs — love caring for the cows, teaching their children about the cycle of life and serving customers with antibiotic-free, mostly grass-fed beef. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Although agriculture is Ohio’s No. 1 industry, most of what is grown in the state is not consumed here.

  • Local agriculture conference — A growing green movement

    Soil scientist Bob Hendershot taught a session during a land assessment workshop held at the Agraria Center for Regenerative Agriculture last summer. Hendershot, whose career was with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, will return for a local farming conference organized by the Tecumseh Land Trust and Community Solutions on March 15–17. A free talk by farmer Renee Winner on how to transition to organic agriculture will kick off the event at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 15. (Submitted photo by Amy Harper)

    Unless new farming practices are adopted, the world has only 60 years of harvests left, the United Nations announced a few years ago. 

  • Yellow Springers to participate—Area food and farming event focuses on justice

    Onika Abraham, left, a farmer and educator who runs Farm School NYC, and Elizabeth Henderson, right, a pioneer of the Community-Supported Agriculture movement, and are the keynote speakers at this year’s Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Conference, at the Dayton Convention Center Feb. 14–16. Several Yellow Springs residents are also participating as workshop leaders and exhibitors. (Submitted photos)

    Farmer and educator Onika Abraham, a national leader of the food justice movement, believes that the current food system creates pockets where healthy food isn’t available. Just don’t call them food deserts.

  • New grants for Agraria —  Kids get the dirt on soil education

    Mills Lawn third-graders Emery Fodal and Wyatt Fagan counted soil invertebrates using Berlese Funnels at Agraria last spring. They also kept data on soil temperature levels over a four-week period at the farm. (Submitted photo by Peg Morgan)

    The architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller often used a metaphor to illustrate how small targeted actions can move massive systems. Fuller noted that the “trim tab,” a tiny mechanism of a ship’s rudder, can change the ship’s course with a minute movement. At the Agraria Center for Regenerative Agriculture, soil is seen as that “trim tab.”

  • Grounding vision of resilience at Agraria

    Community Solutions Executive Director Susan Jennings looked out at the Agraria farm from the renovated barn at the 128-acre property just west of the village. Community Solutions’ annual meeting will be at Agraria on Saturday, July 21, from 2 to 4 p.m. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On the property Community Solutions purchased last year, the 75-year-old local nonprofit wants to model regenerative agriculture as part of its mission to create resilient communities in the face of climate change.

  • Celebrate spring at Agraria

    The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions will host a Spring Equinox Celebration from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 20, the date for this year’s vernal equinox.


Village schools are closed Wednesday, Jan. 22, due to extreme cold. Click here for details.

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