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Articles About Antioch College :: Page 11

  • Encore Fellows spark collaboration

    The Yellow Springs Community Foundation recently launched the Encore Miller Fellowship, through which local retirees and “late-career” villagers mentor Antioch College Miller Fellows and support collaboration among local nonprofits. Jeannamarie Cox, executive director of the Community Foundation (center), met recently with the first group of Encore Fellows, at left, Jalyn Roe and Kat Walter, and, to her right, Melissa Heston and Len Kramer. Not pictured is Scott Geisel. (Submitted photo)

    When Nolan and Dick Miller bequeathed $3.6 million to the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, they wanted the funds to go to Antioch College students who would serve the local community. Now, the Millers’ intentions are being revisited in a planned expansion of the program.

  • The Great War that transformed the village

    This 1918 photo shows some of the Antioch College students who joined the Student’s Army Training Corps, a federal program in which male college students were given military training while taking college courses. To be part of the national World War I program, the college had to turn a dormitory into a military barracks. Fifty-four students took part in the training, which included marching around campus in formation. (photo courtesy of Scott Sanders, Antiochiana, Antioch College)

    On Feb. 14, 1919, the Yellow Springs News published a long list on its front page, spanning the entire length of the paper. It was the “Roll of Honor,” a list of all villagers who had served, or were serving, in the Army during the First World War, which had recently ended.

  • A co-op grocery comes to a Dayton food desert

    Lela Klein, who grew up in the village, is the executive director of Co-op Dayton, a nonprofit starting a cooperative grocery store in a food desert in West Dayton. Yellow Springs residents can aid the effort by becoming supporting or voting members, and by attending Co-op Fest Dayton from 5 p.m. to midnight on Friday, Oct. 19, at the Yellow Cab Tavern in Dayton. (Submitted Photo by Steve Bognar)

    On the corner of Salem Avenue and Superior Street in West Dayton sits a vacant building with signs advertising a former artist supply and picture framing shop. By the end of next year, this humble corner will be transformed into a co-operative grocery store.

  • Wright State shuts down Fels study

    An unidentified Fels Longitudinal Study doctor is shown here circa the 1950s examining a young participant. The longest and largest longitudinal health study in the world, the Fels study, for many years based in Yellow Springs, still has more than 1,000 participants in the area, who had yearly appointments beginning in childhood to gather information on body composition. Last month Wright State closed down data collection for the Fels study, which would have turned 90 next year. (Photo courtesy of Antiochiana, Antioch College)

    The Fels Longitudinal Study, the world’s longest and largest longitudinal human growth study, has recently come to a close due to actions by Wright State University, which for decades has housed the study.

  • Changemakers

    Nationally known civil rights activist Shaun King headlined a Freedom to Vote Rally on the horseshoe at Antioch College on Sunday, Sept. 23. He spoke to a crowd estimated at 250, sharing suggestions for movement building and social change. (Submitted photo by Elena Dahl)

    Nationally known civil rights activist Shaun King headlined a Freedom to Vote Rally on the horseshoe at Antioch College on Sunday, Sept. 23.

  • Performance, exhibit at Antioch —  Bringing A-bomb history to light

    Noted Japanese composer Keiko Fujiie will present “Wilderness Mute,” a multidisciplinary work of music, image, poetry and Japanese Butoh dance, on Friday, Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m., in the Foundry Theater at Antioch College. The work is in response to the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945, and is slated in conjunction with an exhibit at the Herndon Gallery looking at nuclear bombing archival materials. Fujiie is photographed in the Antioch College president’s house. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When Japanese atomic-bomb survivor Kyoko Hayashi traveled to the Trinity nuclear test site in New Mexico, she found burned mountains, ruined fields, and a “wilderness forced into silence.”

  • World in the house

    The World House Choir, pictured at its Sept. 8 performance of "Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream," will welcome new singers on Dec. 3. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Saturday, Sept. 8, the World House Choir gave the second of four performances of the oratorio, ‘Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream.’

  • Antioch College recognized for sustainability practices

    The college’s first crew of four-legged lawnmowers in 2015, shown with Farm Manager Kat Christen and then-student and Farm Assistant Alli King. (YS News file photo)

    Antioch College has been recognized as a top performer in the 2018 Sustainable Campus Index, achieving a second-place rating in top performing institutions for grounds.

  • Emporium art exhibit— Prison portraits focus on humanity

    How does a person keep their will to live when their whole future is in the same place?

  • John Cage’s words inspire dance

    Guest artist Paul Lazar of New York City will visit Antioch College this Friday to put on a solo performance piece, “Cage Shuffle,” in which he recites the stories of experimental artist John Cage along with a movement sequence. The title is so named because Lazar is fed the stories through an ear bud using an iTunes playlist set to shuffle. The performance is Friday, July 20, at 7 p.m. at Antioch’s Foundry Theater. (Submitted photo)

    This week, long-time Yellow Springs resident Louise Smith, associate professor of devised theater and performance at Antioch College, will host a guest artist, Paul Lazar, who will perform “Cage Shuffle,” an original work based on written text by composer John Cage.

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