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Articles About Coretta Scott King Center

  • Summit at Antioch College to envision ‘Another World’

    Antioch College Main Building.

    An upcoming four-day summit hosted by Antioch College’s Coretta Scott King Center  for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom aims to inspire students, artists, researchers, activists, organizers, educators and scholars not only to envision, but also to help create — as author Toni Morrison once told a group of collegiate graduates — “the world as it ought to be.”

  • Beating the heat

    On a sweltering Tuesday afternoon, July 30, a small group gathered in the Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College to learn traditional African drumming techniques and rhythms with Gyamfi Gyamerah.

  • Gandhi, King families speak on peace, social justice

    The Coretta Scott King Center, in collaboration with the Dayton International Peace Museum, orchestrated a profound dialogue Sunday, Jan. 28.

  • 2024 MLK march canceled; program, readings will proceed

    Several hundred villagers showed up in the cold and snow to march and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The 2024 Yellow Springs MLK Jr. march through town has been canceled because of extreme temperatures. The MLK Day program will proceed as scheduled, at 11 a.m., in the John Bryan Community Center gym.

  • ‘Getting to the Root’

    On Wednesday and Thursday, April 26 and 27, the Coretta Scott King Center hosted “Getting to the Root,” a two-day workshop centered on strengthening antiracism efforts.

  • ‘Getting to the Root’ returns to the Coretta Scott King Center

    The two-day “Getting to the Root” workshop will be held April 26 and 27, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch College campus.

  • Anchoring the Coretta Scott King Center in Black history

    This month, the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom, or CSKC, will host programming in honor of Black History Month, including the A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. Memorial Lecture on Feb. 24, 6–8:30 p.m.

  • H.U.M.A.N. library opens at Antioch College

    A newly minted library honors H.U.M.A.N.’s founders, Antioch professors William D. Chappelle and James N. Dunn and community activist Glynna Garrett.

  • Coretta Scott King luncheon lifts up

    Community organizing, healing and relationships were among the themes highlighted during the sixth annual Legacy Luncheon ceremony presented by the Coretta Scott King Center on Friday, April 29, at the Wellness Center on the Antioch College campus.

  • Yellow Springs celebrates Transgender Day of Visibility

    The message relayed through the village’s first Transgender Day of Visibility Celebration, or TDOV, held at the Coretta Scott King Center on Antioch’s campus on March 31 was clear: There is love and support for transgender people here in Yellow Springs.

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