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Articles About civil rights movement

  • World in the house

    The World House Choir, pictured at its Sept. 8 performance of "Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream," will welcome new singers on Dec. 3. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Saturday, Sept. 8, the World House Choir gave the second of four performances of the oratorio, ‘Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream.’

  • Paul Graham: a soft-spoken force for equality

    Longtime villager Paul Graham is shown in the kitchen of his Corry Street home surrounded by photos of family, including his late wife, Jewell, at right. Graham played a major role in integrating downtown businesses in the early 1960s. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    A soft-spoken and gentle man, Paul Graham doesn’t seem like a troublemaker. Yet in Yellow Springs a half century ago, Graham made considerable trouble for those who stood in the path of equal rights for all.

  • Antioch College commencement inspires

    On Saturday morning hundreds of enthusiastic Antioch College students, parents, leaders, staff, and Yellow Springs community members attended the college’s first commencement ceremony since its revival, held at the Wellness Center with the overflow crowd at McGregor 113. Twenty-one students graduated. Shown above are, at top, Seth Kaplan-Bomberg, one of six graduates chosen to speak, delighted the crowd with his original song about his college experience. (photo by Matt Minde)

    Inspiring, rousing, uplifting — each component of the Antioch College commencement fit these descriptions on Saturday, as the college celebrated its first post-revival graduating class while reaffirming its social justice legacy.

  • College, community salutes MLK

    A special screening of the rarely-seen 1970 documentary film, “King: A Filmed Record: Montgomery to Memphis” will be at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 19, at the Little Art Theatre as part of two days of activities commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The film’s producer and director, Richard Kaplan, an Antioch alumnus, will lead a discussion following the screening. (Submitted photo courtesy of Kino Lorber)

    If you missed the special one-night screening on March 20, 1970, of the epic film “King: A Filmed Record … From Montgomery to Memphis,” in one of the 600 theaters across the country that showed it, then you probably haven’t seen it since.

  • A civil rights milestone, 50 years on

    Hundreds of local and area students, residents and law enforcement officials jammed downtown Yellow Springs on Xenia Avenue during a chaotic March 1964 demonstration against Lewis Gegner for refusing to cut the hair of black people at his barbershop. Fifty years ago this month, African-American resident Paul Graham began a legal case against Gegner that reached the Ohio Supreme Court. (Photo courtesy of Scott Sanders, Antiochiana)

    Fifty years ago this month, African-American villager Paul Graham walked into Lewis Gegner’s barbershop on Xenia Avenue, sat down in his barber chair and asked for a haircut. “I can’t cut your hair,” the white barbershop owner replied, according to Graham’s account. “I don’t know how. That’s all there is to it.” That day Graham […]

  • Film tonight on civil rights murders

    A documentary on the effects of the 40-year-old murders of three civil rights workers on a Mississippi town will be shown Thursday, Sept. 23, at the Little Art Theater in Yellow Springs.

  • College honors Freedom Summer

    Reflecting the historic Antioch College emphasis on social justice, the revived Antioch College is sponsoring a series of events this summer focusing on the civil rights movement, especially Freedom Summer in 1964.

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