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Articles About first presbyterian church

  • Returning villager leads Presbyterians

    The Reverend Daria Schaffnit’s journey to fulfill her calling has led her back to Yellow Springs, where she hopes her work with the First Presbyterian Church will have a positive impact on the community.

  • Volunteers needed for Apple Bee

    An Apple Bee will be held on Oct. 7 to prepare for the annual Apple Fest.

    In preparation for the annual Apple Fest, the First Presbyterian Church will hold a volunteer Apple Bee on Oct. 7.

  • YS Community Flea

    The first YS Community Flea, organized by Judith Wolert-Maldonado and Vanessa Hale, was held Saturday, March 23 at the First Presbyterian Church. After a little shopping, the News managed to get some (shaky) video of the action, and stopped for a chat.

  • YS to celebrate International Day of Peace

    All over the world, people are getting ready to celebrate the International Day of Peace on Friday, Sept. 21. Yellow Springs is no exception, and the village will be celebrating with a few special events of its own.

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