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Articles About student protest

  • Signs of the times

    About 50 YSHS students walked out of class on Friday afternoon to join in the worldwide Climate Strike, a series of youth-led rallies in advance of the UN Climate Action Summit on Monday, Sept. 23.

  • Antioch College—Progress made after protest

    Over the last two weeks, some Antioch College students have not been attending  class to show support for student demands to change the way sexual offenses and incidents of racial discrimination are handled at the college.

  • “No more fear” — Students walk out to protest school shootings

    Local students gathered downtown for a rally last Friday, April 20, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of a school shooting at Columbine High School. Pictured are, from left, Mason Lindsey, JJ Bledsoe, Ellery Bledsoe and Mark Bricker (at rear). Students walked out of Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School and marched downtown to express their support for stricter gun control measures and to urge the government to do more to improve school safety. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Students from McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High Schools participated in the National School Walkout on Friday, April 20. See a gallery from the protest.

  • Activists react to pipeline news

    Last Friday, the Army Corps of Engineers made a decision to halt the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which gave hope to0 the people demonstrating against the pipeline’s construction. While good news, anti-DAPL activists aren’t celebrating quite yet.

  • Standing up for Standing Rock

    About 35 people gathered at the Yellow Springs Speedway last Friday to protest the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, which cuts through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. The local protest is one of several efforts in Yellow Springs to call attention to the issue and support protestors in Standing Rock. Speedway’s parent company, Marathon, is a major investor in the pipeline project, and local protestors plan to continue pressuring the company with demonstrations each Friday in Yellow Springs and each Wednesday at Speedway’s Enon headquarters. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Recently, a number of Yellow Springs residents have been advocating on behalf of those demonstrating against the construction of an oil pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota.

  • Teaching justice, peace and protest

    Local resident Talis X was arrested last weekend at protests over the acquittal of a Cleveland police officer of charges stemming from a 2012 shooting of an unarmed black couple. Talis X will speak about his experiences with police violence and injustice at an Antioch College teach-in on mass incarceration and prison justice Saturday, May 30, from 1 to 4 p.m. in McGregor 113. (Still photo from CNN video)

    Local landscaper Talis X spent Memorial Day weekend in a Cleveland jail after leading a spontaneous street protest on Saturday when a judge acquitted a white Cleveland police officer in the 2012 shooting of an unarmed black couple.

  • Walmart protest draws Yellow Springs villagers

    John and Maria Booth, left, and Liz Porter, center, with Antioch College students Lauren Gjessing and Rachel Humphreys carrying a banner, were among the many villagers who took part in a “die-in” protesting the police shooting of John Crawford last Saturday at the Beavercreek Walmart. About 200 protesters took part in the event, which caused Walmart to shut down the store for two hours. (Photos by Diane Chiddister)

    Organizers of last Saturday’s protest against the police shooting of John Crawford expected people to show up, just not quite so many.

  • VIDEO: Hundreds protest police shooting at Walmart

    Several hundred people, including many villagers such as Jeanna Breza, at left, attended a protest at Walmart this afternoon to protest the August police shooting of John Crawford at the store. Two people were arrested, including Sandy King of Yellow Springs. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Several hundred people, including a large percentage from Yellow Springs, descended on the Beavercreek Walmart at 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon.

  • Antioch College student organizes vigil for slain Mexican students

    Odette Chavez-Mayo, in foreground, organized a candlelight vigil after she found out about the murders of 43 Mexican students who were headed for a protest. She points out the similarity between police brutality in Mexico and the shooting of an unarmed African-American youth in Ferguson, and notes the need to "stick together." (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Friday, Dec. 3, several Antioch College students, faculty and townspeople participated in a candlelight vigil in a display of solidarity with Mexico for the disappearance and subsequent murder of 43 students.

  • Carrying on college Antioch College activist legacy

    This past summer, Antioch College Trustee David Goodman and Antioch history professor Kevin McGruder organized a commemorative trip to Mississippi on the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer, the student-led civil rights summer of 1964. Goodman’s brother, Andrew, was one of the three activists killed outside of Philadelphia for supporting equality for African Americans. Accompanying them were several Antioch staff members and seven students, including, from left, Residence Life Manager Nicholas Daily, Eric Rhodes, Kijin Higashibaba, IdaLease Cummings, Louise Lybrook, Ciana Ayenu, Rebecca Smith, arts faculty member Raewyn Martin, Lauren Gjessing, Kevin McGruder, Professor of History. (Submitted photo)

    This year, seven current Antioch students participated in the Antioch activist tradition by traveling to Mississippi during their most recent break to attend a conference on the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer.

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