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Arts Section :: Page 107

  • Tickets for WYSO auction on sale now

    WYSO, the local public radio station, will hold its annual silent auction on Feb. 11, 2012, at the Hollenbeck Bayley Creative Arts Center in Springfield.

  • What, are you yellow? Village celebrates the good scare

    As if black birds were pecking at our downtown garden, scarecrows — 35 at last count — have been popping up over the last two weeks, looming over visitors and villagers coming to town to see the latest creations. Ye Olde Trail Tavern owner Cathy Christian came up with the idea last year, and this year she teamed up with downtown business supporters Bob Swaney and Mindy Harney to make it happen. Ohio Silver owner Marcia Wallgren was caught gluing gems on her Silver Queen’s shoes Tuesday. See page 8, and visit to see more of the creative creatures. (Photo by Suzanne Ehalt)

    The scarecrows lining village streets portend a dark time ahead; Yelloween is coming, and the town is set to both attract tourists and to repulse them.

  • A painter seeks to lift spirits

    Longtime Dayton area abstract painter Elizabeth (Beth) Hertz stands next to “Blue Riser,” a work she has loaned to the Friends Care Community for its new rehabilitation wing. Beth is a resident of the FCC Assisted Living Center. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    It would be hard to find someone with a more unique story than that of Elizabeth (Beth) Hertz, a painter well known in the Dayton area for more than four decades.

  • UPDATE: WYSO will go off the air Saturday

    WYSO will go off air briefly on Saturday, Oct. 22.

  • Their art bristles with intent

    The JafaGirls Corrine Bayraktaroglu and Nancy Mellon open their Hairy Art Palace show during this Friday’s Third Friday Fling and Art Stroll, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Arts Council Gallery at the Oten building, 309 Xenia Avenue. The gallery will be open during the weekend’s Artist Studio Tour. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The JafaGirls have come to see themselves as community artists who, through public installations, bring people together and help them reframe their assumptions and see things in new ways.

  • Antioch Writers Workshop co-sponsors poetry contest

    The Antioch Writers Workshop and Mock Turtle have partnered to conduct a special poetry contest open to all writers in the greater Dayton area.

  • Scarcecrows haunt downtown streets

    It’s Yelloween, the new local Halloween tradition, and downtown businesses are getting in the spirit by erecting a uniquely terrifying scarecrow in front of their shops.

  • Local artists open their studios to visitors

    Check out this weekend’s Artist Studio Tour all day Saturday and Sunday, featuring 27 local and out-of-state artists.

  • Edgy new zine in the village

    M Young, known locally as Mariana Weflen, published the fourth issue of her local comic zine the Kindlin’ Quarterly this month and now seeks more participation from local artists. Here M Young, an autobiographical cartoonist, draws in her Corry Street studio. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    From off the streets of Yellow Springs comes a new underground comic magazine with a punk-hillbilly aesthetic that’s at times edgy, dark, satirical, humorous and autobiographical — and always for adult eyes only.

  • Quartet Kicks off CMYS

    The Chamber Music Yellow Springs season opens Sunday, Oct. 2, with a return visit by the renowned Brentano String Quartet.

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