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Arts Section :: Page 66

  • Zombies come alive at WYSO

    Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman Corrie Van Ausdal, Tom Amrhein, and Sam Butler recorded sounds, or foley, at WYSO for the podcast “Zombie High School.” The podcast features all local talent and chronicles the adventures of high school students stuck in detention when the zombie apocalypse happens. “Zombie High School” enters the land of the living in mid-April. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    From the sound of it, the zombies in the recording booth were as gruesome as they come.

  • Play tells inmates’ stories

    This week Craig Powell, left, executive director of the Dayton nonprofit PowerNet, met with local playwright and director Tony Dallas to discuss Dallas’ current project, a play based on stories from female inmates in the Dayton Correctional Institution. PowerNet, which aims to help former prisoners transition back into communities, is sponsoring the project, which is funded by the Ohio Arts Council. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Theater needs to be about the large things,” Tony Dallas said in a recent interview. “I want that kind of theater.”

  • CMYS to present the Zodiac Trio

    The Zodiac Trio of the Manhattan School of Music will perform in the Chamber Music Yellow Springs series on Sunday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Shown above are pianist Riko Higuma, clarinetist Kliment Krylovskiy and violinist Vanessa Mollard. (Submitted Photo)

    The Zodiac Trio will perform a concert of chamber music at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 20, at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • “Footloose” schedule changed to support Bulldogs

    “Footloose,” the YSHS musical, will not be presented on Friday, March 11, as originally planned, in order to not conflict with the Yellow Springs High School boys basketball team’s appearance in the Division IV regional finals on that night. Instead, the play will give a performance on Thursday, March 10, at 8 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.

  • YSHS kids get “Footloose”

    YSHS kids will present “Footloose,” their annual school musical, this weekend and next.

  • Young artist to show at the Spirited Goat

    Young artist Christian Salvatore demonstrated his sketching skills at the Spirited Goat last week. On March 5 through the end of the month, the coffeehouse will host a show of his “zentangle” artwork. Pieces will be for sale (pay what you believe they’re worth) and proceeds will support Christian’s attendance at a computer coding summer camp at OSU. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Artists thrive on café life, and local artist Christian Salvatore, 12, is no exception.

  • The unity and diversity of community dance

    Katy Gaines, Angie Bogner and Sasha Mrozinski are among about 30 dancers performing this weekend in the annual Community Dance Concert at the Foundry Theater on the Antioch College campus. Here they rehearse at the theater while Foundry technicians set lighting for the show. Performances will be 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27. Tickets are $10 at the door. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    About 30 dancers will be participating in this year’s annual Community Dance Concert to be presented this weekend at the Foundry Theater on the Antioch College campus.

  • Singing Men of Ohio to wrap up tour in YS

    The Singing Men of Ohio will perform in Yellow Springs this Saturday. (Submitted photo)

    Ohio University’s Premier Men’s Choir, the Singing Men of Ohio, will perform at the First Presbyterian Church on Saturday, March 5, beginning at 7 p.m.

  • Yellow Springs News wins top prize, for 6th year

    The Yellow Springs News won the “Newspaper of the Year” award in its size category for the sixth straight year At the annual ONA awards. Shown above is the News fulltime staff, clockwise from left, Editor Diane Chiddister; former reporter Megan Bachman; Reporter Audrey Hackett; Advertising Manager Robert Hasek; Circulation Manager Kathryn Hitchcock; Designer Matt Minde; and Village Desk Editor Lauren Shows. Not pictured is former reporter Lauren Heaton; Designer and Photographer Suzanne Szempruch, and Reporter Dylan Taylor-Lehman. (Photo by

    For the sixth year in a row, the Yellow Springs News brought home the top prize in its size category from the annual Ohio Newspaper Association.

  • Chamber Music presents winds group

    The Imani Winds will perform this Sunday, Feb. 21, at the First Presbyterian Church.

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