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Arts Section :: Page 97

  • Blues Fest returns for 15th year

    The annual AACW Blues Fest will return this year, with events held around town. (photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    AACW will host the 15th annual Blues and Jazz festival this weekend, Aug. 23-26. As always, the weekend will feature a spectacular line-up of musical acts and events.

  • Little Art shows documentary on sexual violence in military

    The Invisible War, a documentary about sexual violence against women in the military, will be shown at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18, at the Little Art. Admission is free.

  • Celebrate art at Art on the Lawn

    Villager Dinah Anderson, shown displaying her original jewelry, was one of several local artists selling their wares at the 2011 Art on the Lawn. This year’s event, sponsored by the Village Artisans, will take place this Saturday, Aug. 11, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the lawn in front of Mills Lawn School. (photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Artists will display their artwork artwork this Saturday, Aug. 11, at the 29th annual Art on the Lawn. The free event, sponsored by Village Artisans, will feature almost 100 artists of all varieties, and will take place on the lawn of Mills Lawn School from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Villagers re-decorate for tolerance

    On Saturday, July 28, local residents Susan Gartner, left, and Theresa Mayer rehung a knitted sleeve that was removed last week without permission from one of the the trees downtown. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    When Yellow Springers celebrated Pride weekend last month, many honored the occasion by attaching colorful bands of yarn and felt around trees and light poles downtown. So it came as a shock when some villagers noticed this month that someone had been cutting down the art.

  • Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant’ comes to Antioch amphitheatre

    The Merchant of Venice

    Dayton’s Free Shakespeare! presents “The Merchant of Venice” this weekend at the Antioch College Amphitheatre.

  • The Incredibles and other heroes come to village through Community Band

    Sounding the praise of heroes the world wide, the Yellow Springs Community Band will perform its third and final outdoor summer concert this Saturday, July 28, at 12:30 p.m. in Kings Yard, behind the Trail Tavern. Admission is free.

  • Friends Music Camp to entertain, benefit Glen

    Campers and staff from Friends Music Camp will present their annual Yellow Springs concert this Saturday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mills Lawn gym.

  • Cirque Carnival brings the bizarre to Dayton Street

    Clowns and families alike swarmed Dayton Street for face painting, henna tattoos, food, music, acrobatics, fire dance, hula hooping and more.

  • Local choir conductor golden at World Choir Games

    Cincinnati women’s choir Muse will perform at South Gym, Antioch College at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 3. The concert is a fundraiser for the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry. Muse’s founding director, local resident Catherine Roma, organized the concert in collaboration with Antioch College to promote international women’s month. (Submitted photo)

    Three choirs conducted by villager Cathy Roma swept gold at last week’s World Choir Games.

  • VIDEO: A sneak peek at ‘Mo’s Night at the Opera’

    YSKP’s summer production, ‘Mo’s Night at the Opera,’ opens tonight at the Antioch College Amphitheatre. See a video sneak peek from a recent rehearsal.

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