
Yellow Springs News Blogs Section :: Page 16

  • BLOG— The power of neighbors

    What’s a neighbor? Someone you live near. Someone you’ve likely not chosen to live near, but do. Your neighbor may grow to be your best friend. But most neighbor relationships are probably less soul-close than proximity-practical.

  • BLOG — Live or tell

    The Little Miami River at Jacoby Road.

    I wanted to write a blog about the magic of the Little Miami River. Then we took a canoe trip.

  • BLOG-Period Pieces

    Sparks are in the air…love and pure flame.

  • BLOG— Of fireflies, stars and time

    I could stay out here all night, looking at the white stars, the golden fireflies, the dark shadows against the dark house. Everything I see prompts the question, Are you seeing this, are you really seeing this? I want to see; it feels like knowing, which feels like living.

  • BLOG-Shakespeare Sideways

    A long time lover of his writing, now I get to experience the Bard as a cast member.

  • BLOG — And Peggy

    Drawing of the former Wiltonville Methodist Church, from the Wilton Heritage Society Museum pamphlet.

    Lauren “Chuck” Shows celebrates Fourth of July weekend by taking in some popular — and some not-so-popular — historical sites.

  • BLOG-Bewitched by Bellatrix

    Who knows long we have with each other? Saying goodbye is always hard. But we have this time now and we are grateful for it.

  • BLOG-In Awe of Alice

    Why can’t life be a musical?

  • BLOG-Founding Fathers

    This Father’s Day, my men met and traded what I love about them most…their insight, their stories.

  • BLOG – I decided I would try the World Naked Bike Ride

    Recently, I wrote an ode to my bike after a particularly fun bike ride. This past week, my bike and I got closer still, when I rode it naked through the streets of downtown Columbus.

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