Yellow Springs News Blogs Section :: Page 5
BLOG— Black chimes, moving like branches
The jays wake up mouthy. The crows flap shouting out of sleep. Everyone has a voice. Especially the silent ones.
BLOG-Girl Time
Closing night of an eye opening show
“The Heart of it All”?
Marriage equality did not bring total equality. Did you know that LGBTQ citizens can be denied housing or employment in Ohio? HB 160 seeks to extend protections that the State never had the moral authority to deny in the first place.
BLOG— This river life
To be inside a fish’s October dream — there are worse fates!
In the midst of plenty, my thoughts turn to preserves.
BLOG — Living Pilate, Living Christ
In which a recovering biblical scholar long-windedly tries to say goodbye to Barry Dennen.
BLOG— One spot on the globe
Home is home. When we return a person to the earth, we’re not just sealing them in our hearts, we’re committing them to a spot, one spot, on this great globe.
BLOG-Work With Me
This week we explored several co-working spaces.
BLOG–Enacting MLK’s Beloved Community: Yellow Springs Edition
What began with a community meeting in 2015 is culminating in a six-week journey this fall. Do we have the communal will to be in significant relationships with refugees and Muslims in the greater-Dayton area?
BLOG- Making Moves: Dear Yellow Springs,
Spending the summer in this village has made me attach my first day feelings of relaxation to Yellow Springs permanently. I’ve learned to spend more time with myself, slow down and appreciate nature. I’ve met so many wonderful, beautiful people and my summer here will stay with me for a long time to come.
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