Yellow Springs News Blogs Section :: Page 3
BLOG-Shoulder Rub
Seaworthiness is best tested before lashing ourselves to the mast in the midst of a monster storm.
BLOG—It’s time to start listening to WOC, y’all
Did you know that Browder v. Gayle, the case that legally ended Alabama’s bus segregation laws, had as its plaintiffs four African-American women?
BLOG— Raven, a reflection
Raven didn’t speak much about being sick. Instead, she brought my husband, a new friend, into her home studio. Brought out her pulps, her deckles, her tubs of finished papers — some textured, some translucent, some delicately veined like the inside of a wrist.
BLOG-Winter Comes Early
Are you ready?
BLOG—Poor Jerusalem
Jerusalem was a backwater town controlled by a Semitic tribe called the Jebusites before King David cast his eyes upon it around 1000 BCE. He saw Jerusalem’s location and natural fortifications as being perfect for a great capital city that could transcended tribal identification and unite the people.
BLOG-Leaps Over Ruts
It is not we that pick the tree. The tree picks us.
BLOG—”America First” is Always Built on Prejudice
Once again, the occupier of the Oval Office has engaged in irresponsible behavior that could have a detrimental impact on Muslims here and around the world.
BLOG-Oy, Those Oysters
It is the person we miss and their dear memory that we savor at the holiday table.
BLOG-Hands at Ready
Keep those onramps and offramps clear.
BLOG—Yes, It Happens Here
The revelations around sexual assault and rape in Hollywood must not be seen as isolated incidents. They are emblematic of rape culture, which is pervasive across the world. Even here in our village. A group of local women think it is time that stops.
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