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Housing Section :: Page 5

  • Village Council supports Home, Inc.’s ‘Glen Cottages’

    At Village Council’s July 3 meeting, Council members unanimously voted to waive utility tap and zoning fees for Glen Cottages, the newest project of Home, Inc.

  • Groundbreaking ceremony on Cemetery Street

    Last week, Home Inc. kicked off phase 2 of its Cemetery Street project, hosting a groundbreaking ceremony on the lots where the next two Home Inc. homes are going to be built.

  • Home, Inc. to break ground on C-Street Phase Two

    Home, Inc. will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for Phase Two of its Cemetery Street project on May 19. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Yellow Springs Home, Inc. invites the public to join them in celebrating the groundbreaking of the second phase of the Cemetery Street project this Thursday.

  • Co-housing group to host informational event

    The Antioch Eco-Village Pioneers, a local co-housing group, will host an informational program this Sunday, May 1, from 2 to 4 the Yellow Springs Senior Center.

  • Green Generation builders to finish Thistle Creek

    Green Generation design-build team Alex Melamed, left, and Andrew Kline are developing the six remaining lots at Thistle Creek on King Street. They’re offering two home designs that emphasize low-maintenance living and energy efficiency. The young builders intend to finish the development, begun in 2005 by local builder Jonathan Brown. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Eleven years after local builder Jonathan Brown began developing 4.2 acres at Thistle Creek, two young builders are poised to finish off the King Street development.

  • Antioch Eco-Village— ‘Pioneers’ share vision, plans

    The Antioch Eco-Village Pioneers, a local cohousing group, claims 14 core members who are working to create a cohousing community (private homes with shared amenities) on the Antioch campus as part of the college’s intergenerational housing concept. Here, pictured on one proposed site, at the corner of N. College and Livermore streets, are four members of the group: Don Hollister, Pat Brown, Jane Baker and Sylvia Carter Denny. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    the Eco-Village Pioneers are organizing an event on Sunday, May 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center for all villagers curious about cohousing and interested in learning about Yellow Springs’ cohousing group.

  • Home Inc. Cemetery Street home open house today

    New first-time homebuyer Julie McCowan, holding her grandson, Dylann, in front of the Cemetery Street home she recently purchased through Home, Inc. for her four-person family (plus frequent visits from “little ones” like Dylann, she said). Villagers wishing to celebrate with McCowan and her family and learn more about Home, Inc.’s Cemetery Street development are invited to an open house at 138 Cemetery St. on Friday, Jan. 29, from 5 to 7 p.m. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    An open house will take place tonight, Jan. 29, from 5 to 7 p.m., for the second home completed in a Home, Inc./Village collaboration to increase affordable housing in the village.

  • Home, Inc. welcomes new development coordinator

    Home, Inc. recently hired Brittany Parsons to serve in a newly created position, development coordinator.

  • Village Council finds unity on utility bill change

    Unified support around a proposed policy change to hold landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts emerged again at Village Council’s May 4 meeting, when Council voted 5–0 in favor of the change.

  • Affordable homes started on Cemetery Street

    Home, Inc., broke ground on the Village’s first public affordable housing project on Friday, Aug. 15, with future homeowners Erica and Caleab Wyant digging in.

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