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Housing Section :: Page 6

  • Yellow Springs Home, Inc.’s first partnership with the Village

    Yellow Springs Home, Inc. invites the public to join them in celebrating the groundbreaking of the first phase of the Cemetery Street project on Friday, Aug 15 at 3:30 p.m. Learn more about the project, see the plans, and enjoy refreshments!

  • Ohio Brass & Electric to play Emporium tonight

    The local horn band Ohio Brass & Electric will perform tonight, Friday, June 20, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Emporium during the Summer Art Stroll.

  • Home Inc. offers workshop — Village foreclosure rate high

    Losing one’s home to foreclosure is most often traumatic. Foreclosures hurt communities, too. Though Yellow Springs has weathered the housing crisis well with only a small dip in home sale prices, foreclosure rates are relatively high here and may be on the uptick.

  • High foreclosure rate prompts workshop

    Though Yellow Springs has weathered the housing crisis well with only a small dip in home sale prices, foreclosure rates are relatively high here and may be on the uptick. A workshop hopes to address the problem.

  • Workshop to talk mortgages, housing

    A free workshop hosted by YS Home, Inc. and Neighborhood Housing Partnership of Greater Springfield will be held from 6–7:30 p.m. at the library on Tuesday, April 15.

  • New apartments approved for downtown

    In recent years the King’s House in Kings Yard has been home to many retail establishments, including a bookstore, an art gallery and now gift and clothing shops Asanda and Iona. So it is a welcome addition to some that the building’s second story will soon host two new apartments in the downtown area.

  • Yellow Springs Home Inc open house

    The newest home by Yellow Springs Home, Inc., 355 W. Davis St.

    On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2-4 p.m., Yellow Springs Home, Inc. will host an open house celebrating the completion of it’s newest home at 355 West Davis St.

  • Zoning update on final round

    The new Yellow Springs zoning code could allow more flexibility in how Yellow Springers live and work. Council passed the first reading of the updated code at its Sept. 3 meeting, and will vote on the second and final reading Sept. 16.

  • Village’s second passive house opens for one-day tour

    Greene Generation Building will open its second passive house in the village on Saturday, June 22, from 1 to 4 p.m.

  • Ohio Brass & Electric to play Home, Inc. benefit

    Ohio Brass & Electric, a new local 11-piece horn band will play at the Home, Inc. benefit “Springs Soiree” on Friday, May 3.

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