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Economy Section :: Page 28

  • ‘Deep green’ architect to talk at Antioch College

    Architect Jason McLennan, a pioneer of sustainable design and creator of the Living Building Challenge, will speak this Saturday, Aug. 13, at 7 p.m. in the Antioch South Gym. (Submitted Photo by Paul Dunn)

    “Deep green” architect Jason McLennan, a pioneer of green building design, will give a public talk on Saturday, Aug. 13, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Wellness Center South Gym at Antioch College.

  • Springs-Net to talk municipal fiber

    Springs-Net will give a presentation on its ongoing efforts to bring municipal Internet to the village.

    Local group Springs-Net, which aims to bring municipal Internet access to the village, will give a short presentation at the Senior Center on Thursday, Aug. 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

  • Sift through OATS for some eclectic home décor

    Sam Jacobs and shop owner, Abbey Knight stand in front the newest store downtown, OATS, Ohio Antique Trading Supply. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The newest store on the downtown Xenia Avenue strip brings an eclectic mix of mostly home décor items that combine a sense of old and new.

  • Plan, curtail for climate goals

    Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy outside their new nonprofit, Plan Curtail, located on East Whiteman Street. Through its website at, the organization provides research, perspectives, metrics and methods to individuals seeking to make meaningful lifestyle changes to lower their carbon dioxide emissions. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Villagers Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy believe planning a personal energy budget and curtailing personal energy use are the essential actions individuals can take to help slow global warming.

  • Yellow Springs Brewery purchases bowling alley

    Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters, owners of the Yellow Springs Brewery, recently purchased the old bowling alley on the south edge of town to use as a warehouse distribution center. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters had a plan when they opened Yellow Springs Brewery three years ago, but things haven’t exactly worked out. They hoped to grow their business, of course, but at a rate they could keep up with.

  • Once more unto the streets…

    An unidentified daredevil takes a long walk during a street fair in 1988. The perspective would be welcome these days, as the event has grown significantly. (Photo by Irwin Inman, via Antiochiana)

    Love it or dread it, Street Fair is a Yellow Springs tradition. But newcomers to the village anticipating this Saturday’s arts, crafts, music, food and beer extravaganza might not realize just how humble and homegrown the tradition is.

  • DMS ink honored for its growth

    DMS ink, which purchased the former Antioch Publishing facility in early winter, was recently honored for its fast growth rate. Pictured above is the company’s assistant manager of production, Tiffany Simpson, with the “intelligent inserter,” which folds, inserts, counts and prints materials all in one process. The company can print 60 million pieces of direct mail a month. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    DMS ink was recognized as one of the fastest growing Asian-American businesses.

  • Learn to cook, eat local at workshop

    TLT will offer a workshop on cooking and eating local food on June 18.

    Tecumseh Land Trust will host a “Shop Local/Eat Local” workshop on Saturday, June 18, 10 a.m.–noon, at the TLT office, located at 4633 U.S. 68 in Yellow Springs.

  • Groundbreaking ceremony on Cemetery Street

    Last week, Home Inc. kicked off phase 2 of its Cemetery Street project, hosting a groundbreaking ceremony on the lots where the next two Home Inc. homes are going to be built.

  • Home, Inc. to break ground on C-Street Phase Two

    Home, Inc. will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for Phase Two of its Cemetery Street project on May 19. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Yellow Springs Home, Inc. invites the public to join them in celebrating the groundbreaking of the second phase of the Cemetery Street project this Thursday.

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