Economy Section :: Page 29
Co-housing group to host informational event
The Antioch Eco-Village Pioneers, a local co-housing group, will host an informational program this Sunday, May 1, from 2 to 4 the Yellow Springs Senior Center.
Forty years of making connections in Yellow Springs
Larry Gerthoffer, better known as Larry Electric, has been a “fixture” of Yellow Springs for more than 40 years.
Green Generation builders to finish Thistle Creek
Eleven years after local builder Jonathan Brown began developing 4.2 acres at Thistle Creek, two young builders are poised to finish off the King Street development.
Antioch Eco-Village— ‘Pioneers’ share vision, plans
the Eco-Village Pioneers are organizing an event on Sunday, May 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center for all villagers curious about cohousing and interested in learning about Yellow Springs’ cohousing group.
Hammonds’ Mills Park hotel is almost open
If all goes well, a tentative opening date for the new Mills Park Hotel could be sometime in late April, according to owner and builder Jim Hammond.
Global company purchases EnviroFlight
Seven years ago, Glen Courtright launched EnviroFlight, a tiny business sparked by a big dream: to alleviate world hunger by creating a sustainable and affordable way to feed fish and animals.
Mills Park Hotel hopes to open next month
The construction of the new Mills Park Hotel is coming to an end, and developers hope the hotel will open in late April.
EnviroFlight purchased by global company
EnviroFlight was recently purchased by Intrexon, a global company with a focus on synthetic biology.
Groups striving for a local economy of resilience, equity
A time bank. A worker-owned cooperative food hub. A cooperative entrepreneurial hub with shared services and support. Community-supported industries. Local financing and investing.
Shopping at Tom’s and forgot your reusable bag? These kids have got you covered.
The “Super Snack Snatchers” lego team from Mills Lawn School has installed a baggerie at the entrance to Tom’s Market, so that shoppers can borrow a reusable bag for their groceries.
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